my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




nothing but an entry

Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2001 - 1:54 P.M.
When one works past a certain time of day one should be permitted to dislike any and everyone, be able to sneer at your manager, especially if she is being amazingly useless, should be able to sit down and rest while the powers that be, as they believe themselves to be, do a little more work than you.

I had to work till 3:10 this morning putting up a stupid calendar store for our store down in the food court of the mall. DO you hear the joy and exhilaration that I am feeling right now., Not only did I get to do this into the wee hours of the morning but I had to do it with my manager and the manager of another store who was about as useful as well I'll just let you fill in the appropriate non useful anecdotal image. The only good thing about it was that Derek stayed too. Granted he whined the whole time, but still someone normal. Some people see to be a bit miffed at my friendship with Derek, I don't know why, but you know what they can deal with it. He's a friend just like they are and if they are going to get all bent out of shape, who am I to tell them otherwise. He still going to be my friend.

SOme people also seemed to be a bit miffed with me because while I have probably heard all the wonderful stories time and time again every time we go to Starbucks, you'

ll forgive me if I don't give you my full attention if I don't listen wholeheartedly again and again and again. Granted I am sure that there might have been new stories, but they would have been all new stories that really don't concern me, quite to the contrary many is the time that you are wondering down memory lane and I have to look at the street sign to see where the hell I am at, much less if you knew that there were other people in the car with you on this little excursion. Believe it or not the world doesn't revolve around your high school memories. I am glad that you found someone who would listen to your stories and pay attention. Course I guess it helps when you are instantly enamoured with the person in question and have made every effort over the past week to cross paths with them and I am just there as filler until the real "friends" show up. I am sorry that I apparently do an inadequate job. Where's the firing squad, I'll take pepperoni, sausage and mushroom on my tombstone!

Well that was a refreshing little rant, wasn't it

I have to go to class now and listen to a bunch of people read scenes they wrote for class. Then I get to go to work all day, work with people I would much rather not work with and then I have a day off and after this little rant will probably be spending it with a few less people. I guess that's, that, ain't it. But I guess being a jackass, that's to be expected.

Yesterday was a pretty good day. It started off in the wee hours of the morning where Wade and I went to workout. It was a nice long good workout too a nice good run, something that has to be a bit longer I think to get the blood flowing just right, and before that some good weight training. I am not usually a very physical person, but this is really good for me so I am enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would.

then I slept a nice long time, must have been the good workout, I say a nice long time even though I was up by about 9:30 or 10:00. TOo early for some people. THen I spent the rest of the day before I had to go to work doing absolutely nothing. I had planned on going to the gym after we put the calendar kiosk up but when 3:00 a.m. came around, that idea was buried underneath all my fatigue. I let it rest there. Came home, and crashed after a short phone call. Surprising, to my disgust, I was up at 9:00 again this morning. I wanted to sleep longer but my mind and body would have nothing of it. IWas tempted to have a nice solid shot of crown to let my muscles relax before I went to sleep, cuz lifting 120 or so 30 - 50 pound boxes for 5 hours tends to make you a little sore. But I wasn't sore at all and I guess you might say I got my workout this way.

I guessI really don't have much else to say.

EXCEPT nobody signed my guestbook. NOBODY. With all the visitors I had....sob nobody signed my guestbook. But that's all no. really it is. I'm a big boy, a little weepy right now, but I'll get over it. Rest assured. I didn't want any of you to sign it anyway. I might as well just take the sucker off........woahhhhh, hold it there buddy, that's just crazy talk......

I gotta go and become literally enriched. talk to you soon

God Bless the USA!!!!!!

neurosis ~ catharsis