my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Anyone seen Meg Ryan, I need my creative muse

Friday, Sept. 28, 2001 - 9:56 A.M.
every time I cook lasagna I worry its not going to turn out right at all. And every time, at least in my humble opinion it turns out better than the time before. I just wish more people could have been here to enjoy it. But some times other things come up so what you going to do. I just wish they could have been here that's all

I'm writing my short story for creative writing......well okay I'm not right at this instant but that's only so that I may fill you in on my mundane existence, but before I started this entry I was writing my short story for creative writing. And at the moment its really starting to irk me a great deal cuz, well, I don't know what I am going to write. At first I was going to write about this blind guy who can "see" and now I am fiddling with an idea about angels, and in both instances I got about 200 words written, but I don't have a story and I need at least 10 times that many words before the story is finished and well I don't know what to write.

There was this guy in class who was proofreading his short story on Wednesday. I wanted to shoot him. I mean the audacity to bring it to class to show that he had already finished. Part of me hopes it sucks to high heaven, that its the most atrocious thing I have ever read in my entire life and that is why its already done.

The first time I took this class I cheated with my first short story. I hadn't an idea as to what I was going to write and before too long it was due and so I turned in a short story I had written that summer. I was working at the candy store in the mall during Christmas as well as the bookstore and there was this most beautiful of girls who worked there and she was so beautiful and I tend to be creatively inspired in the company of beautiful people, I can't explain why and I started this story about this guy who meets this girl and well that's what I turned in. I tried to finish it, but the girl at the candy story didn't work there any more and well my creative muse felt obligated to leave with her. damned finicky muse.

Anyway if there are any beautiful people out there who would be willing to inspire me momentarily I would deeply appreciate your presence.

I was supposed to go work out last night. Instead Wade ended up going by himself. He doesn't like that apparently. I can't imagine why. THe boy is peculiar, that's all. grin.

But I am going tonight. I just wish we didn't have to go so freaking late all the time. I mean it'd be different if we went at 10:00 or even 11:00 That would be cool. but going at 12:00 or 1:00, I like to be asleep at that time, at the very least comfortable in my own home. not looking forward to an hour of lifting weights and running and cycling and such. I'm whining if you can't tell.

I have to work all day today. well all day starting at 1:00. Then I have a book fair tomorrow and then my mother is supposed to come over and talk to me about watching the house while she is in Colorado. I hate getting roped into that. I mean it would be different if I had a car but guess what, I don't An 11 mile trek to and from Keller is a bit tedious to say the least. Not to mention the house really smells. The dog, Auggie, short for auguste speckled moon, that's her pedigree name, is really on in years and is the best dog in the world, but she smell when my mother doesn't give her a bath after awhile and I'm hoping she has. Then theres two cats too, good cats but all that cat fur and dog fur and well, the house just smells. When my brother moved into his house out in haltom city, it had this atrocious old people smell. Its an old old tiny little wood frame, well not tiny, but it looks tiny from the outside, anyway it had this terrible old people smell and I hated coming to visit and staying the night because the next day all my clothes had soaked up that horrendous smell and I would have to go to work smelling like that house and well the last thing I want is to go over there and smell like my mothers house at work the next day. But I am pretty sure I am going to get her to have Ben do the Friday Saturday and Sunday. Cuz I have to work all day on those days next week cuz Martha is on vacation that week too.

Then I am taking the next week off myself. well the third week at least, the week of my birthday. Well that week but work on Sunday since I have only 4 days left to me to take. Then I am going into hiding for the week.

Okay I really should get back to the grind stone or I will end up turning in a story that I wrote years ago for creative writing. I don't know how good its going to be, the only person I have hear to inspire me at the moment is me, so chances are it will be wretched. grin. Okay read me later

neurosis ~ catharsis