my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




the burden of paper and pens and other writing material

Monday, Oct. 01, 2001 - 10:42 A.M.
Today was. It wasn't a great day or anything, but it was still a good day. Work was all right. Nothing to be to thrilled about but I got by without too much trouble. Actually we had a bookfair out at TCC and so I only had to work in the store (and with Martha) for about an hour and a half. Which was just fine with me. someone else I know had to work with her for a lot longer, not to mention a bunch of other people he doesn't like. The first words I got out of him were "I hate you" which leads me to believe he was having a good day at work. GRIN.

While I was at work, my brother and his wife came by and we decided to go out to dinner after I got off work. So after work I came home and we went to Joe's Crab Shack. I had never been to Joe's Crab Shack and I have to tell you it was good. After dinner, my mom came by and ended up staying longer than she wanted cuz she lost her car keys. I'm thinking that she accidentally dropped them in my brother's car somehow. Tim looked for them but couldn't find them. so she is currently in the living room watching tv.

Wade and I are supposed to go to 24hour fitness tonight and then we are going to my moms to pick up the spare key. its kind of along the way except its not but its the only way since my older brother isn't answering his phone and TIm lives all the way out on the other side of Fort Worth in Millsap which is like 60 plus miles away so this is the next best thing. I would give up my bed and everything for her, but if you saw my bed right now you would think I was the worst host ever. it looks really bad. I need to do laundry wash my sheets and clean up the apartment. I need to finish writing my first short story too. Its really starting to irk me that I can't think of what to actually write. I am a last minute person when it comes to something like this as it is, but still, I wish I could just sit down and get it over and done with cuz its due in two days. And I have to work half the day tomorrow so I really have less than a day.

Apparently everyone, and when I say everyone I mean a lot of people are going to Thrillvania tonight. Wade and Jenni and Paige and Jessica and a bunch of people I really don't know decided to go out there. Which is probably good cuz I know that they've not got to go the past couple of times they wanted to go. I hope for their sake that they have a blast cuz, well, this is "what they do" for Halloween. Halloween seems to hold a strong hold over these people. I tell'em its just a day and I hear gasps like I just told them that Madonna is just a singer. She is you know. hahahaha

Next Day

Today was Sunday. Well actually yesterday was SUnday but now I am writing this on Monday morning, almost afternoon as my short story prints off on the printer and I wonder if I can honestly force this dreck on anyone. It really isn't the best story I've ever written. Its feel so forced and well I don't know what to think about it. I like some of the writing, but it feels broken up. I don't know. Deadlines are evil.

Yesterday (Sunday) was a good day at work. I worked with Derek all day and we went in early to try and clean up the back room a little. It doesn't look like we did very much at all, but that is because there is so much junk back there that we really can't throw away, no matter how much we want to. But we did that for our first 2 hours, throwing out crap that's been there since the dawn of time I bet and then we did regular Sunday morning work. WHich in actuality is not true, we just sat around and read the Captain Underpants books cause Martha did most of the stuff that needed to be done Saturday night. All the rest of the day we helped customers and stuff cuz we were kinda busy. Actually sold like 7 or 8 preferred reader cards which was really good. I didn't have a very good week last week at all so I am grateful for a good start to the week.

After work I went up to Starbucks where we (jenn, Katherine, and Jess, and myself, were supposed to help Michael work on his paper.) Needless to say nothing got done. We were at Starbucks till 9:30. By this time I was dragging. But everyone wanted to go to Cafe Brazil and it had been awhile since I went and so it took very little to persuade me to join them. We stayed there till almost 11:30 or so and by the time I got home, the very idea of working on my short story was a burden. Needless to say I turned on the computer got on line and was asleep before I knew what hit me. The alarm clock went off at 6:00 but with my mind on getting this short story done by class time today I was up at 5:50 staring at the red numbers of my alarm clock. almost 5 hours later with a short pep me up nap, I have printed off some horrible horrible horrible writing that should never see the light of day, but unfortunately will, with one coming back to me marred with enough red ink to pain a flag. But I know its bad so I'm expecting it. Buy this was a tough story. And it shouldn't have been. Last night before I went to bed I was going through all my stories that I have written in hopes of finding something I could cheat with. I didn't though. instead, yuck! oh well. its just a grade right, and I am not even doing it for the grade but for the honing of my writing abilities. I will keep telling myself that. I think what makes me not like this so much is because I tried to have all the stuff that we talked about in class and I think I either am off target or missed it altogether. Its frustrating really.

THe good thing about this is all I have to do is turn in the paper, draw names for our critique group get the 4 stories we have to critique and then go, end of class. Go home, take a nap. Suppose to have lunch with Wade at 3 then to work at 4:30 then I have to stay at my mother's for the next couple of days while she is in Colorado. I hope she got Ben to watch the house on Friday and Saturday and hopefully I can persuade him to do Sunday too.

Anyway I really should go. A nice long hot refreshing shower is necessary I think to wash off the sleepless and stress filled night.

neurosis ~ catharsis