my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




happy birthday toooooo me

Saturday, Oct. 20, 2001 - 12:19 P.M.
happy birthday toooooooo you! Four of the worst badly sung words in the human language. Fortunately I lived through another rendition and am here to tell you all about. Fortunately for you all, I am typing this and not giving you the play by play verbally as right now I sound an awful lot like Kathleen Turner. My voice is so hoarse from yelling and screaming and cheering and inhaling that putrid fake smoke, but worth every minute and warbled word I'll be saying all day.

If you've never been to Medieval Times, let me tell you it is a blast. I always thought it would be, I did. and thanks to young Mr Wade, a king among princes I was able to enjoy it firsthand. Really cool. Wade, Jenni, Paige and Christan, (the three wenches of yore) and myself were in the yellow and red section. A difficult section to cheer for because it was two colors and chants of two colors I found to be awfully difficult. Not that I didn't try. unfortunately in the battle to death our knight was killed by that dastardly bastardly black and white knight who got to go on and be the hero and First Knight to the King in his battle against the black knight. I am not ashamed to say I booed the black and white knight and hope to see him impaled neatly on the villains swords. He was not too chivalrous in his attack on our knight. He even slapped him with his mailed glove when he challenged him. So I say down with the black and white knight.

The food was really good and the best part is that we got to eat with our hands. It was swell and good. The whole thing was awesome. And I got to bellow in a British accent too and I did, to the embarrassment of the three wenches of yore and Wade. grin

Then afterwards we went out to Tower record where I picked up the latest Dale Watson CD. If you want so good ol country music not the contemporary pop country that you hear these days, which I'll be the first to admit I enjoy just as much as the next guy, but Dale Watson is country music at its roots. Its some good stuff. No matter what anybody else (and you know who you are) says. In the parking lot at Tower as we pulled up we saw what was probably a very very very ugly drag queen in a big green sequined dress. It was scary. After Tower everyone came back to the apartment. I made drinks. Mostly cosmopolitans and I left the front and back doors open to let in the fresh air. Unfortunately we were paid a visit by the new neighbors who moved in up stairs. Actually it wasn't even the neighbors but friends of the new neighbors who promptly came in the front door and talked to us for about 30 minutes. They were actually checking out the Three Wenches of Yore and by the Katherine was there too, so they were probably fishing for some action. Anyway they said their good byes saying that they might come back if the front door was still open. I promptly closed the door as soon as they were out of sight.

everyone dispersed around 3:00 with Michael Z. showed up, after a night on the town, about 3:30 and talked for a bit and taking a short power nap til about 4:00 ish then he and Katherine left too. by 4:20 I was out like a light, out out out out until about 10:30 or so and now I have to get ready to go to work.

Work, talk about 4 letter words.

Anyway I gotta go

neurosis ~ catharsis