my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




its a blahfest waiting to bore you

Friday, Nov. 09, 2001 - 11:40 A.M.
hi. how are ya? How ya doing? Long time no talk? Whatcha been up to?

Well not that its any of your business, okay maybe a little bit your business since you are my diary and all, so I guess your curiosity is well warranted, but still, awfully nosy of you, don't you think

Its been a couple since my last update. I can't say as to why my sudden lack of interest in writing in here has come about. I mean its not that my life has suddenly become so lackluster making me so lethargic as to not write in here. I just have had no really desire to blah you to death with all my monotony. Its a service really, one which you should be ever grateful for.

But since I am here, I guess I can share a few of my less mundane activities.

Went and saw Monsters Inc

My favor tie characters were Sully and Boo. SO very adorable. And the little short movie in front of it with all the little birds was hilarious. You have to go see it. We got there just in time to miss all the trailers before the movie. I did hear the heavy breathing for the next Star Wars movie, but other than that we missed all the trailers. But the movie was really really good. You should go see it. It'll make you laugh. It made me laugh, but I laugh at almost everything.

Anyway everyone (Michael Z, his sister heather, and her friend, Jessica, Katherine, Michael's friends Ashley and Joe, and myself really enjoyed the movie. Did I mention that the movie was really cute?

Hmm, what else is there to talk about right now? no....can't talk about that....not that either....oh I not that know its really frustrating to try and talk about things that you really don't know what is going on. Take Jessica and Jennifer for instance. I mean they apparently aren't mad at each other, I mean I don't even know why they would be mad at each other. Maybe its just a girl thing. Maybe its too deep and complicated for one as simple and unobservant such as myself. All I know is that it seems a little foolish. Okay I'm going to be the last person to say that they should talk to each other and be friends again because every time I do that I get that thrown back in my face. I mean if they are going to be friends again, then that'll be great, but them not wanting to hang out with each other makes it hard on everybody else who wants to hang out with everybody else but due to personal friendships and loyalties, we either feel like we're betraying one friend or another because we are still friends with the other person. That's not a good feeling to have. I know. I wouldn't want to be smack dab in the middle of that and I really feel for the one that is. But we aren't going to go into that....

Do you ever wonder about a person's friendship. How true it is. How everything you invest into that friendship is either lost or wasted on someone who is not true to your friendship. I have several friends whose friendship I believe to be true. I could call them and they would be here for me in an instant. I know this to be true. No ulterior motives, nothing motivating them but their friendship for me. It would be nice if this was true with everybody. If everyone felt this way about their friends. If everyone felt that they had friends, or the people they claim to be friends with were this way. I realize I am not really saying anything here because its a touchy area. I am being vague on purpose. I can't truly speak for any of my friends on their friendships because only they know the extent of it, but of what I know, it leaves me puzzled.

I'm having a real hankering to go to London right now. Well not right now, but in May. I want to go again. But I don't want to go by myself. I think everyone reading this, except for you and you and you and you and you and you, okay except for everybody I don't know, sorry, but everyone else reading this should try and go with me. May is 7 months away. you can save up $468 for a plane ticket to London. I don't know how many people we can cram into a hotel room but still, I don't want to go by myself. So think about it, wontcha. I mean I'll go by myself if I must, but I would much rather go with friends and have a fun time that we can all remember. I would be great.

or....if nobody really wants to go to London (and how could that be possible?) then another place would be cool too. The only thing is, all my friends are getting along with each other so some wouldn't want to go id someone else was going to be there and so forth and so on. Oh well,........never mind then.

Did I tell you that I went to Carmen. It was wonderful. Well it was good. It wasn't great cuz I was constantly catching myself having to look up at the teleprompter for the English translation of what was going on, on stage. But it was really good. However some people were under the impression that I was under dressed because I wore Jeans and a sweater to the Opera. Alas its just the opera. I paid for my ticket just like everyone else and if I WANTED to wear jeans and a sweater to the opera, then there is no reason why I shouldn't have. And to the snobby old jerk (there was one) who gave me this rude appraisal of my attire most likely because I was wearing jeans and a sweater, you can kiss my ass. A couple of my readers thought I was wearing jeans just to prove a point, that I was taking a side with Michael Z for when he wore jeans, and if I have to admit it here I will. its true a part of me did wear my jeans for that reason. Its stupid that people should get upset for what a person wears. But the other pert of me wanted to wear jeans because what I usually wear is what I usually wear and I didn't want to wear that, so I didn't. SO maybe it was half and half. superficiality really irks me sometimes. And I am the first to say thatI too can be superficial, but to a point.

But Carmen was good though. and we went to Uno's after wards for some might tasty pizza. At least mine was I devoured the whole thing in a matter of minutes. They have the best crust. and the rest of it is good too.

what else is there to talk about over the last couple of days.

I did not really talk about the Halloween party did I.

The decorations were cool. The cobwebs especially. grin. The food was food. most of it was junk food, but there was cupcakes and rice crispy treats and some vile bile punch. it was tasty. and I ordered pizza. Michael, Katherine and Jenni showed up in their costumes as did Jessica and Ashley from Waldens. Michael Jenni and Katherine were winged creatures , fallen angel, fairy, and angel respectively. Jess was a hippie, and Ashley was Dorothy from wizard of Oz.

THe gathering was a bit slow and monotonous. I think its cuz we all hang out together all the time. Don't get me wrong, we had fun but we always have fun. It was just the same ol' fun, but with decorations.

I am sure there are other things to write about, other things just as monotonous and boring to fill you in on, other things that were fun and exciting, other things that are not so good like the fact that I have only been to the gym once in the past 4 weeks, bad bad bad, fun dining experiences like heading out to Cafe Brazil at a break neck speed of 110 mph, but that was only when we were racing some complete stranger, but still, it got the adrenaline running....anyway I guess that's all I'm gonna put in this diary. mwahahahahahaha! its a shame you can't find the other one where I rip you all to shreds and tell all your horrible secrets. Okay so that one really doesn't exist.....yet.....

Read me later.

neurosis ~ catharsis