my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




what to call this boring conglomeration of words

Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2001 - 12:04 P.M.
What has gotten into me. I used to update constantly. I used to not be able to wait to get to the computer so that I could update my online diaries and tell everyone the joy that is my life. Okay not so much the joy but at least you would know what the hell was going on with me. Joy...ha. Anyway, I figure I really need to get back on the ball or you're gonna think I might have gone crazy and done something totally stupid like joined the french foreign legion or something like that. Okay that's not totally stupid, I mean I can speak a little French. But anyway I need to update more often. I mean this is good for me right.

Did I tell you I started another diary. the stupid thing is I am not writing in that one either. Which goes to show that I like this forum and or form so what, again, is my problem.

Okay so everything been a bit mundane lately. I don't know if its that whole anniversary of writing a journal that has made the whole process lose some of its luster making it lackluster or what. but I will try to do better, if just for my own sake.

the funny thing about this diary forum is that I used to read them asa avidly as I wrote them and now I don't find myself reading them as much either. Which surprises me because the ones I did read were wonderful wonderful wonderful. So I wonder just what has happen in the last month that has cause me to go away from the diaryland/livejournal.

Anyway I guess a little catch up is in order.

We'll start with last night. That I can remember

Went to see Harry Potter. I don't want to say I was disappointed in the movie because I enjoyed it immensely, it was just......I can't explain it. It was long and the first part was slow too. I mean I enjoyed it but.....something was missing. Went with Paige, Wade and THe Talker. WHo sat on the far end next to Paige so I really didn't have to listen to her talking and she did try and talk through the movie which should be a firing squad offence. I'm talking cigarette, blindfold, the whole nine yards. But I didn't have to try to pay attention to her. Okay I know what you're thinking and yes she is not a bad person. SHe is a nice person. I keep trying to say that. SHe just TALKS toooooooooo much. That's all. I get overloaded. Makes me wish those mute buttons really did work on people.

Before the movie we walked around the mall, literally walked around the mall in search of a supposed Disney Outlet which I knew didn't exist, but does anyone listen to me, NO! So we walked around the mall in search of said store only to find ourselves on the other side of the mall. If you've been to Grapevine Mills you know its a big mall. Anyway no Disney Outlet.

Before that we were over at Wade's House trying to fix his cdrom drives to no avail. they won't read his cds. We had bought a cd burner so that he could make compilations of all of his cds, he's got a billion cds and well now he has a cd burner and no cd drives to burn his favorite songs. its a tragedy really. GRIN

Before that I went to class where we had to break up in our critique groups and critique our second polished works for creative writing. All my critiques were good except for the instructor who didn't really like the fact that I have this character she just doesn't get. Truthfully it irritated me a great deal. But I love this poem that I wrote. It is such a wonderful poem, if you ask me. And everyone in my critique group.

Before that I was asleep asleep asleep. I haven't been sleeping too much the last couple of days. I'd start out with the intention of going to bed early and actually getting an 8 hour night of sleep but then I'd end up going and doing this or that, mostly its coffee and getting something to eat and just hanging out and before I know it, its 2:00 in the morning. Leaves a person very sleepy

Anyway that was yesterday. I wouldn't dream of calling it lackluster. that tends to irritate the people that I spent my day with. grin Actually all in all it was a good day. Really it was.

I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving and in a month it'll be Christmas. Where did the year go. Seriously. It just flew by. But that's just being repetitive.

I really don't know what else to add. I have been downloading Friends episodes. I wish it didn't take so long. It takes forever. But still. one day soon I will have all my Friends epis that I can watch any time I want. I know, I know, I'm being obsessive, but I can't help it. Friends is the best. It really is.

I feel like I am writing a lot of gibberish. THat all of this could have been better off left unsaid. Which is probably the main reason I've not written anything here for the last 10 days. I am sure there are other reasons too, beyond my grasp of comprehension, those nebulous reasons behind the things we do that we do not know or we deny exists. perhaps I am being stupid.

But you have to admit I haven't gone on a long diatribe concerning friendship lately. Course I haven't written in here lately have I. I mean like the other night at Starbucks Michael wanted to Jenni and Jessica to talk things out and get to being friends again. I'm not quite sure that worked out well. They talked, I mean from my vantage point at the window they talked but apparently nothing was said that would straighten out what wrong between the two of them, at least they aren't back to the way they used to be.

Whatever it is about though, it would be nice that they would either forgive and forget and get on with it, or put it out of there minds and pretend it never happened. I know it all goes back to Michael's B-day party. things were said, names were called. Apparently apologies are not forthcoming.

And as for Starbucks the other night when we went, just recently, I understand that Jenni was upset that no one called her even though she was there at the kiosk when I was talking to Michael and he was telling me that we were going so I assumed that she knew we were going. I even asked Michael while we were at Starbucks, where Jenni and Michelle were and he has assumed they were coming. Why she didn't call anybody to find out is beyond me. As she just lives right down the road now it would have taken her 5 minutes at the most to get there now, instead she gets upset. So go figure.

As for me not taking up for anyone anymore, well I suppose my loyalties have been tested of late. I can't believe that someone has the audacity to tell someone else that I don't take up for them. Uhm....hello, Kettle, this is the pot. You're black. I don't think the words "be nice" are ever taking up for anyone and most of the time there are more laughs coming than the "be nice" So don't go judging me because I don't vocalize the fact that other people are saying not so nice things about my friends. You would think that as my friends the other people would be nice enough to not talk about my friends in the first place. and the only people that really talk about one another in a bad light would be wade and Michael and its not anything they haven't said a thousand times before, so all I can do is roll my eyes.

Anyway, now I have to get ready for work. SO I am going to go for the time being. You'll forgive me the diatribe on friendship etiquette

neurosis ~ catharsis