my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




headed for melancholy

2000-11-01 - 10:33:55
So I'm like hopped up on Butterfingers and Dr Pepper and am a bit stir crazy right now. Watched my Friends episode to get my laugh quota in for the day. I love that show. Its hilarious.

What else. I don't know.

I'm thinking I want to put some of my writing in here. But then why would i do that. I realize someone might be reading this and well do they really want to read something i wrote. Then again, this is my diary, my journal, my life. If i want to add a little touch of creativity, to show my muse that i appreciate all she's done for me in the past and perhaps persuade her that she might give me a little slack and come back and stir the creative juices once again.....who knows. But here ya go....a little poetry from yours truly. Those who have a quick gag reflex, my apologies.

Dark Light

that bright gibbous moon


the winter trees like


silhouettes holding

the sky

far beyond our reach


as we climb higher


to accept limits

which we

deny with the tears

and hope

in our hearts, we cry.

What does this say about me. About possibilities. Does this say i accept limitations. that there is only so far I can go.....

(this rhyming verse is something that another poet thought would be a cool excercise in writing. I like it. I guess. I don't hate it at least.

The love of my life is out of town right now with her mom down in hill country of texas. I talked to her on thursday. First time we've really talked since i came back from my vacation. Did i tell you about my vacation.

I went to England. It was cool. So very beautiful and incredible really. The tour itself wasn't the best of tours, it was too rushed. Don't take tours if you don't have to. It takes something away from the experience. But the places we stayed, some of them were so incredible. The lake District in England was phenomenal. it is easy to see how Wordsworth could be so inspired. He lived there for the last 18 years of his life. the place was beautiful almost magical.

Dublin was awesome. i want to move there or Edinbrugh. Our hotel was right off Queens street and you could see the castle from the window as large as life. the big cities, including London were my favorite places. So much history so much of everything. At your finger tips. The vacation wasn't long enough. last year I went to Europe and visited 7 countries The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Italy France Belgium and Austria. Anothr phenomenal trip. Again a tour. I know I know I said not totake one, but the first trip was incredible, although a bit rushed, the tour director really made it a wonderful experience.

Anyway, if you want to experience my trip vicariously, well you can visit the website I put together

its got pictures and stuff. Not the coolest website.

is the site for my UK tour. Its a better site.

hmmm. What else can i tell you. i am listening to crappy stuff on the radio drinking my nth Dr pepper and wishing Mel aka Melissa, was home and online so I could talk to her.

You're probably wondering what her story is. Well its a long one and deserves its own little diary entry some other time. Suffice to say we aren't together. sigh.....

We usually listen to the radio when we are talking online. its usually romantic stuff that makes you regret more about what you don't have. At least I do. It makes me very melancholy and blue.

okay I am going to go for now.

talk to you later. Apparently i've suddenly been hit by a sense of melancholy brought on by thinking about her.

okay. i am going.

neurosis ~ catharsis