my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression





2000-11-07 - 07:59:09
Election day drama stirs me from my restless sleep to the fate of the free world. Not that the entire election will turn on my one vote, although it is so tightly contested right now with teh coverage and the idea that it is turning towards a particular winner may sway voters to not go to the polls and vote because tehy will think that voter for who they want will be a waste of a vote. Polls suck

Yesterday which started out so wonderfully, Blue skies sunshine like no other a cool crisp morning air, turned miserable gray and bleak this morning. Rain is expected, (should I be surprised) not to mention a cold front to boot. I don't mind the cold, but I am getting sick and tired of this rain. Okay not sick and tired, it just looks awfully depressing outside and I have to say its a bit foreboding. You know one of the cliched forewarnings of disaster in writing is rain. Granted who is supposed to get the foreboding feeling.

the rest of yesterdays early morning entry turned out to be unfulfilled. I didn't change the world. Quite to the contrary. I wanted to strangle the little person who is continuously stopping in and "visiting" us at the sotre. She needs to be home bound. That would surely make my life a lot easier. its not a good thing for her to be the first person i see during the day at work. sets the whole mood. And while I was happily enjoying the sunshine and blue sky which had already started to bruise with cloud cover far off in the horizon it wasstill way over there. As the day progressed and clouds blotted the sunlight through the glass ceilings at the mall i could feel the whole ebulliency of my mood fading.

Now this ele4ction thing. Well I am trying to find my closest polling location, and wouldn't you know it but the website that lists the locations isn't working at the moment. Too busy maybe, it says. try again later. So i go to the state election site and it directs me to the county one, which ISN'T WWORKING! I'm not frustrated. Its too early in the day to be frustrated. But I have to say its pissing me off at the moment. First it ttells me one thing. then another then another, all of which says the same thing. IT IS NOT WORKING. Every other freaking page on the web is working right now. i am not taking this too well. Anyway if you read this in the A.M. GO VOTE. EVERY VOTE COUNTS> I don't care who you vote for, just vote. Its your right and priviledge as an American to vote. The U.S. has the lowest voter turn out in all the free world. Voter Apathy is a cancer in this country. VOTE!

neurosis ~ catharsis