my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




journal redux

2000-11-17 - 23:25:47
You'd think in 5 days I could come up with something that would cause a ripple in the doldrums that is my life. Alas the truth of the matter is, I've been cruising along in these doldrums for quite some time. Its a bit annoying at times. I know the other day I was singing the praises of a calm ordinary existence, but such an existence doesn't provide much fodder for the diarist in me. Who apparently seems to have gone on hiatus since last I wrote.

I mentioned that iwas going to be talking to HER, you know, the love of my life. As fate would have it we talked a great deal, she and I, about nothing and everything. We do that alot. Nothing deep and meaningful though. Which is good. Did I mention to you that she is married. I won't go into the whole sordid detail right now, but suffice to say she and I were meant to be together. Okay, so maybe I sound a little bit like a stalker to be, but I swear its true. Through faults, mostly on my part, and that whole fear of commitment thing, we didn't end up where we were supposed to. Then one thing led to another which led to another and before you know it she's married to someone she doesn't love and I am here, still in love with her wishing she wasn't married to him. We don't like him. And its a consensus that he is just a jerk. I could go into details about that too, but then, I don't want to sound like a gossip or anything. Suffice to say he is a jerk and she is supposed to be with me and I was just a stupid fool. Hindsight, ain't it grand

Whatelse is there

Work. Such a joy, the holiday shopping season. Every one of you who does not work in retail should work one holiday season in a retail establishment or service sector job just so you would know what kind of asses are out there. I am not saying any of you are asses, I'm sure, just by the material you read that you are fine people. But the rest of the people out there are really asses. I would use other more descriptive explicatives, but impressionable minds are about and that just wouldn't be right. But know that I am thinking them. Course I am working in a mall right now that is the sinkhole of the universe so I really don't have it as bad as I could. so i shouldn't complain too much.

Those of you who are looking to read some good diaryland stuff, go read haikuboy. Not only do you get the haiku every entry, but also some great entry stuff too. I mean there's nothing juicy that will lead to some sort of online addiction, ( like online webcams, those things are addicting.) but still I always read about the travails of haikuboy when i come here. Very good funny stuff.

What else. Oh my liquor by mail internet came today. Actually the last of it did. They didn't put one of the bottles in. Its amazing this technology stuff. But don't get me started. There are some good things and bad things though.

The connection sucks sometimes and its like childbirth to stay online. I mean it hurts almost that much when you are in the middle of writing and entry in your diaryland journal when the connection goes phoooey and you are like NOOOOOOOO!!!!! But you prevail. Hoping that you don't jinx yourself by saying you prevail. ha! I did.

Anyway what else. Can you believe its almost thanksgiving. Then 4 weeks and christmas has come and gone again. Endless cycle. S'pose to mean you're getting older. I refuse to believe that. I think the earth has slipped into some sort of time vortex. that's the only explanation. right?

My mom wants me to go out to the house during the weekend of Thanksgiving to watch the animals (dog;auggie, 2 cats: i forget their names) while she goes down to Houston to visit family. Normally I don't mind but still she has other sons who can do that. I on the other hand not having a car will have to pedal my ass off in what will more than likely be very cold weather for 11 miles 1 way and then back where as her other son who lives closer can drive his happy heated ass to the house and do all the animal care in no time flat. I may just suggest such a scenario to the ol' mother unit.

SHE will be going to Arkansas to be with his family for thanksgiving. Needless to say I am thrilled with that prospect. She doesn't even want to go. I don't even think he wants to go. SO a delightful time will be had by all i am sure.

do you think I dwell too much on this lass of mine. I know calling her a lass doesn't seem appropriate what this being the year 2000, somewhat might take offense. but its a term of affection.

One of these days when I am really really desperate for a journal entry I will fill you in on all the sordid details of this relationship. I may have to get drunk to do it, but still its quite the story, tons of anecdotal stuff that would normally make me laugh.

okay before fate steps in, and when i say fate I mean AOL giving me the boot, I will bid you adieu. Have one of those great days. I wil try to be a bit more punctual on my entries. If not then HAppy Thanksgiving!

before i go, you know that entry that i was referring to that i was writing before AOL gave me the boot. You missed out, it was way better than this one.


neurosis ~ catharsis