my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Another mundane entry in the journal of life

2000-11-19 - 10:05:59
you know I am a month older than I was last month. Time flies when you'r having fun huh. It doesn't seem like a month since my birthday. Quite to the contrary it seems much longer. Its that time space continuum that I mentioned before. Its really whacked.

today was one of those momentus days in ones life when, well nothing really happened i was just hoping that I would have a brainstorm and be able to fill you in on something momentus. Alas, this is not that diary entry. Maybe next time.

Work was a longd rawn out process involving too many hours and not enough stuff to do to fill them. Truly retail does have its drawbacks, beside having to deal with all the great customers, which today was a comparably good day in the scheme of things but still. there are days when they should all be shot. I'm not advocating widespread violence, but rather sanctioned firing squads. If you get out of line, raise your voice or decide that this is one of those times when the customer is always right, that is when I hand you your blindfold, your last smoke and have you stand in front of a bullet riddled wall.

Believe it or not, I am not prone to violent outbursts or anything. I'm usually rather calm and sedate. But they say, watch out for the quiet ones. (insert diabolical laughter here)

Had to do a little grocery shopping this morning. Any of you do your grocery shopping on line. I am an advocate of online shopping. I have yet to have a complaint concerning my groceries, in the two years that i ahve had them bringing groceries. Its great really. They bring it right to your door. No worry about an expectant look in their eyes after they've lugged all those groceries in to your house. No tipping. I'm telling you its great.

What else can I tell you. Nothing really. the love of my life is on aol playing spades. unfortunately AOL, being the grand program that it is, is not compatible with Windows2000, or rather the spade program through EA so I can't go and play cards with her. Not fair. Life sometimes..... what can you do. But I am making do with a nice conversation via AOL messenger.

She is a writer too. Or ratheer she enjoys writing. She was telling me she had a nice long writing spurt last night. i am envious because other than the drab ordinary drivvle that you are reading right this moment I haven't written in a while. its frustrating really. Those of you who enjoy writing, and i think people who keep a diary have a tendency to write other things besides the events of the day know what I am talking about. Needless to say I need my muse to loosen the fawcet and let the ideas flow. Alas she's a bit stingy with the creative juices.

Anyway, I guess that's about it for today. And now for the pinning ceremony. You are hereby awarded the perseverence medal of honor for making it through the assault upon your senses of this drivvle. May you go in peace

neurosis ~ catharsis