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People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




monotony personified

2000-11-20 - 20:02:36
I've survived another day of retail excitement to tell you about it. I know thank your lucky stars.

And they are lucky stars too. I mean the first thing is I forgot we opened at 11:00 instead of 12:00 and so there was no one to open the calendar store down the way until 12:00. The mall frowns upon those who are late opening their stores.

Anyway the next thing is, the first person i see this morning is the evil troll of a child who I've mentioned in previous entries. And she was in and out all day long too. its like she wouldn't leave. The next time I work its time to have atalk with her mother.

that sotrm that we never got that I ranted about this morning,never arrived. those meteorologists, what a job.

I contemplate the pros and cons of traveling byt way of my trusted steed today. And by trusted steed I mean my Schwinn. I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but I don't drive. Not out of any particular reason, I just don't. I have, I can, I just don't. Don't know why.

Anyway the pros and cons as I see them are this

Pro- no high gas prices

Pro- no insurance

Pro- if I am ever in a wreck I won't kill anyone, except perhaps me so we'll go ahead and put that in both columns.

Pro the cost of repairing said trusted steed after said destruction of ones vehicle would be about the cost of a speeding ticket in a school zone.

Pro- no speeding tickets.

The only con that I can come up with and its not one that I have chosen but one that has been foisted upon me is that apparently I am not near as much a man as my motorized counterparts. Maybe I should move to Europe. Cycling is a way of life to many a soul over there even more than even I would consider a part of mine.

I'll grant you that it might be quicker, might be easier, but how much more time do I need on my hands. I mean you've read the excitement that my life entails. Imagine what more time would do to me. Hte very notion frightens me. grin

Tim and Renee and Keegan, my nephew, came by to visit me at work today. Keegan is of course the most beautiful child on the planet. He was feeling sick today though and was not his usual ebullient self.

they came to tell me they got my christmas present. A dvd player. Apparently I'm the only one getting a gift from them as they don't really have teh money to be buying gifts. I guess it pays to be the favorite. however I have to tell everyone else that i bought it myself should the subject arise. I can live with that. :)

I haven't gotten presents for anyone. Don't even know what to get anyone either. I'm sure I'll make it through.

Okay I am about to go out with a friend from Austin to watch a movie. its her birthday this week and I got her the new Beatles anthology book. Its a really cool book. I am not a huge fan of the beatles but I enjoyed looking through teh book a great deal. Its chockful of good stuff.

Anyway we're going to watch Bounce.

I thought about a book today that alot of you might enjoy. its a really good book. I've read it before and when it c omes to my diary I often think of this book. its called, Youth in revolt by C. D. Payne. its hilarious. Any person who writes a diary ought read this book. It is written in diary form and are the adventures of Nick Twisp. Hilarious book. He's supposed to be writing a sequel. I can't wait.

But i ahve to goat the moment. I'll be back shortly with a movie review, etc.

neurosis ~ catharsis