my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




the looming winter storm

2000-11-19 - 08:57:07
okay what the hell happened to our winter storm we were supposed to get. I swear weathermen are the best actors on television. All week long starting on Wednesday on the news their saying winter strom sleet snow this weekend. They even have that little bulletin band running across the bottom of the tv screen warning us to stay tuned to the weather tonight at 10 for updates. Do we get any kind of winter weather. Look out my window. its all blue sky and granted its a bit chilly but I've waiting aniting for my winter storm.

So okay there's something really wrong with me. But right now, what with all the adventure going on in my life, go ahead look back at my archives, you'll see, I can't help but wishf or a winter storm or something. Anything

you know Casey Kasem was in my dream this morning. actually the radio was doing its top 20 countdown and casey was doing his long distance dedication. I was riding a bus somewhere and trying to sell the wonders of Febreeze. when he hops on the bus and tries to "help" me. Next thing you know he's pulled out this nifty little competitors fabric freshener and then he says in his Casey kasem voice now which one would you use. i wanted to throw him off the bus. Okay now someone interpret THAT dream. Why the hell was I on the bus, and you know what, Febreeze isn't a stain remover but that's what I was using it for....

So things are starting out a bit weirdly. maybe its cause I was up til 2 this morning and here it is only 7:42 and I am typing away at the diary. its not land the past 5 hours were chockful of goodness. I mean I didn't wake up to a white crystalline outdoors. No, no. what I get is blue skies and Casey Kasem. So i won't complain about the blue skies and nice weather, but you realize this only adds to my doldrums. Another funfilled blah day that will be recounted in full, at least what i can remember of it to you tonight. So I'm going to go for now.

i did tell you i talked to HER again last night. Not after I told her about the diaryland but it was the same conversation. I sweat i was laughing out loud to the roof. My neighbors probably think I'm possessed or something. Laughter all hours of the night coming from here. Anyway I was laughing so hard. I can't imagine what it would be like to be without her.

I know what your thinking. oh my holier than though. isn't there some sort of biblical problem with this love of yours. I was thinking about this the other day and realized this might fall under the heading of coveting another man's wife, and I have to nod my head in acknowledgement. If I am wrong, I am wrong. But she is a part of me. And has been for a very long time. I guess you might say that I am supposed to be true to myself and my christianity. And the head can analyze this to no end, but the heart is more headstrong in this instance. I sigh, accepting my flaw. Life carries on. If this is the burden I must carry to the presence of God. Is that a sacreligious attitude?

Okay I don't know where this turned from a barrage against weathermen in general to burdens carried before God. Especially since it doesn't seem to go anywhere here. So I think I better go. If Casey Kasem hadn't awaken me this morning and told me to get my lazy ass out of bed, I wouldn't be having this internal converstation.

This morning, there will be no pinning ceremony as this was a weird entry and if you made to this point, well that reward enough to read THE END hehehe

everybody have a good day. I will try and make the most of this horrible terrible dangerous winter storm.

bye 4 now

neurosis ~ catharsis