my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




the death of an entry

2000-11-21 - 11:11:42
Let me begin this entry with AOL sucks. keeps knocking me offline. Its really enough to make me want to throw my computer through teh window and go back to pen and paper. But I'm too lazy to do that, pen and paper not throwing the computer through the window because I ma sure it would make a spectacular crash and man wouldn't that be a great little highlight for the next entry into a diary.

Dear diary,

Damn aol. damn it to aol. i was so mad I threw my computer through the window. Yo ushould have heard the crash, it was like all those crashes you hear in the movies, glass tinkling on the side walk, catching the light as it flies like diamonds in the sky. And the poor cat. Almost lost 3 or 4 lives. I think the bush next to the window is dead, for sure especially after it caught on fire.....

yeah that would be a great entry, huh :)

Anyway I had a great big long entry that i was working on when AOL decided to give me the shaft, the heave ho, the talk to you later. I'm almost over it. Now I have to see if I can rekindle the diarist glow that I was working in.

so I was talking about all the people in the world and all the people on the interent and how I don't know any of you. Not that I don't know any of you, I know some of you meaning I know what you let me know, but I don't know you. Even these diaries are mere windows, i mean you don't know about the coat rack that is off in the periphery, with the big clown coat on it or anything like that. BTW, there is no coat rack and clowns leave something to be desired. they aren't really funny, and some people are sort of afraid of them. GRIN

Anyway the reason all this is in my head is because this one person whom i've encounter online who has a webcam so there is some interaction and instant communication but this person seems to becoming a bit on the unhappy side. And I'm not under the impression that I drive people to depression or anything, although it isn't out of the realm of possibility. And this person has a webcam site and has just recently written the lyrics of a metallica song called Fade To Black on it and so I asked the person about it and I received no reply. so anyway it just frustrates the hell out of me and pisses me off that this person is thinking about what more or less is a song concerning suicide and then won't answer my questions about it. All that I can do is hope that this person doesn't do anything stupid. right. I mean try and talk, open things up clarify and illuminate. But hope against hope that nothing comes of it.

WHat else did I talk about in the dead entry

I talked to HER yesterday. Not about anything wonderful or earth shattering. SHe nearly gave me a coronary when she said she was moving back this way. I was like YES OH YES OH YES OH YES. (For a minute there you thought I was reenacting the Meg Ryan Scene, weren't you) But then she said that's what she wanted to do pop* went the bubble. Then we talked about all this other stuff, how she was watching me on my webcam. QUite the bit of entertainment if like watching paint dry and how I couldn't watch her on her webcam because for some reason my browser, all of them are being stupid. technology, ain't it grand. I mean getting bumped not getting to see my lady love having to look down at the keyboard when I type, most of the time, but you'll be happy to know that I typed these last two sentences, with only a few corrections, without looking down at the keyboard. In case you are wondering I never took the time to take a typing class. I type just fine thank you. Maybe its an aquired thing Plus I think my fingers are dyslexic Its a curse really. If it were for the fact that I looked so many times you would be reading gibberish right now. Course would that be better. That is a thought to ponder.

Anyway what else is there to talk about. Besides talking to My lady love, yesterday was a big fat bust. I did nothing all day. the groceries came I checked the mail and then came back to the apt. and did nothing the rest of the day. I have this huge pile of laundry that is taunting me as we speak. Little does it know that I will douse it with Extra strength liquid Tide without a seconds hesitation. its just that I am not in the mood for laundry. Mostly because I worry how long it will take. Last time the water pressure in the laundry mat was almost not worth talking about and it took FOUR HOURS to get it done. I don't have that long to sit around and watch the water level in the washing machine rise. Needless to say I was soooooo pissed. I go to the apt. office. is anyone there. Oh no. but they'll be back. Bite me, I say.

But I have to do laundry today. I've been wearing jeans at work. that's frowned upon by the powers that be. Fortunately, I'm the power that be currently so I'll just frown at myself. I do that all the time anyway. grin

what else. I have to go up to the other mall and have lunch with Mrs Baker. I work with her when I am at that store and it is her birthday and so I have to give her her present. She loves crinkle claus. they're little porcelain type things that are santas. She has a Santa, dare I say fetish. no she just like the crinkle claus. So I have that to do today too. Other than that, its a no brainer of the day, emaning I don't have to you know, use my brain. okay I gotta go and try and be a good samaritan for a bit, try and remedy somethings. I'll be back.

today there will be no pinning ceremony because this entry seems adequate and I am paying homage to the death of the previous diary entry

neurosis ~ catharsis