my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Doctor. I feel a pulse. He's alive. Yes, but for how long, for how long?

2000-11-28 - 08:11:43
Kraft foods is in cohorts with the devil. No I don't mean the fact that they are owned by Phillip-Morris, I could live with that, but well, its just that they sell small flat squares of processed gelatinous evil wrapped in cellophane and they call it cheese. So remember everytime you eat that "cheese" know that its really just individual portions of evil wrapped, like a gift, by K - R - A - F - T.

Mornings are good times aren't they? I mean look how great the morning entry starts and I can tell you right now, the evening entry is going to be like chewing aluminum foil. It'll make your teeth hurt, I know it. I bet you can't wait to read tonights entry now. its like going to the dentist, only without the gas. and that thing that sucks the spit out of your mouth. messy too.

Anyway what do I get to do today. Well I've got to run on down to the post office. Ebay items on the way out. Then I have to go to the other bookstore where i don't currently work and put together a bookfair for a bunch of romance authors for Saturday. Then I eat lunch with MS Baker, I don't know why I call her MS Baker, I just do. Then, well then folks the day is free. Which is why i did laundry last night. too much excitement in one day would just plain tucker me out.

Has anyone seen my big roll of clear packing tape. I can't seem to find it anywhere. You know if you have really clear packing tape and you cover your face with it, you can make really scary faces. And then you pull it off and voila, you've exfoliated too. Course then the tape is very scary looking too. Oh,....I don't know first hand....hehehe....a friend told me......ok...ok....I have maturity issues. But I'm confiding in you because well, you're the diary right. You're supposed to know these things so that when I am old and content in my retirement years I can look back and see just what a delightful and wacky fellow i was. Besides what if I'm rich and famous by then, when I'm old and retired, they can use these diary entries as the basis for my movie of the week. can you imagine Haley Joel Osment playing the grown up me in front of the mirror with tape all over his face grimacing evilly and pondering the evils of processed "cheese". oh man this ain't no movie of the week. This is destined for the big screen. And I'll have a cameo, walking briskly with my cane, (I apparently have an automobile accident after i decide that biking everywhere just won't do anymore and am nearly killed and lose like an inch off my right leg) playing a cantakerous old man looking for a particular book but I don't know the name of it or who wrote it or what its about but I think it has a blue cover and has the word soldier in the title. And it turns out that i am a bit befuddle and the book is really about the stealing of the 2000 American Presidential election by Al Gore. (You know I get customers like that all the time. Its really a delightful part of the business really. And the scary part is the majority of them are young and intelligent looking people who OUGHT TO KNOW BETTER.

Okay I'm off the movie tangent. I thought it might go somewhere but now the whole moment is spoiled by thoughts of work. closes his eyes and puts fingers together in hopes of retaining that happy place inside of him, chanting to himself "Calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean" takes deep breath and releases slowly, taking in all the goodness and light of the mroning and expelling all the work air thoughts.wwwwwwwhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww

Okay I'm better whew, that was close.

Well I ahve to go and have a coke and a smile. Iforgot to put the dr pepper's in the fridge last night. SOme of you might think Coke is better than Dr Pepper and those of you who do, well it is understandable how you might be swayed by such thoughts. I mean it does have remnants of processed cocoa beans, aka, cocaine, so you may all be hooked like a bass during a fishing tournament but if any of you and I mean ANY OF YOU are under the impression that Pepsi is better than DR PEPPER, well I'm crying for you right now. Big fat crocodile tears. I mean there isn't even the possibility of a drug addiction. Course like processed "cheese," Pepsi goes into the consumable evil foods category Maybe the evil holds sway over your thought processes.

Okay so Dr Pepper , used to have polyethylene glycol in it. So what. liquid plastic, how bad could that be for you. And man did it give it that special something. They don't have it in there any more. feeling lost and melancholy. withdrawals sets in and a terrible desire to bite through teh aluminum can of warm dr pepper like some daylight vampire craving his first taste of blood for the day

You know this entry is down right entertaining. I should be writing televsion scripts.

But my day is being sucked away from me foutside those bright window blinds so I have to get ready to face the world and all its sunshiny glory before the sunshine goes away and replaced by an acidwash of rain and grime and cold. Something to look forward to, huh?

Talk to you folks later.

A word of advice. when you're out there at your favorite restaurant, ready to order that old so delicious juicy burger, (medium well people, cuz the last thing we need is a bad case of mad cow disease going around) ask for cheddar, or provolone, or monterrey jack, please people, please. don't ask for american. it ain't cheese its evil

(disclaimer: the author of the previous journal entry admits to eating american cheese grilled cheese sandwiches and admits that those are might tasty. So if you have to have american cheese, you know like a patch while you're cutting back, then I reccommend grilled cheese sandwiches.) makes me hungry just thinking about it.

neurosis ~ catharsis