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People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Dream Experiment results #1

2000-11-29 - 07:54:32
Okay aparently hotdogs and orange juice do not have teh fabled effect on your nightly REM cycle as you might suspect. It seemed the perfect combination. What with all the unnatural chemicals in hotdogs fighting it out with the oh so natural goodness of orange juice leading the charge for a helathy environment in side my stomach. I will grant you that it left me with something of a knot in my stomach this morning, but that's to be expected. its all in the name of science anyway.

Its a bright and glorious day outside. I can hear it beckoning me from the venetian blinds. The sunlight is seeping in like cold through the open door of a refrigerator, obvious and refreshing..... Course don't let it fool you. its probably a wee bit chilly too. But its going to be a nice quick ride to work. Heart pumping, brainand arteries rejoicing in that extra flow of oxygen. Those chemical addled hotdogs finally being burned off for energy. I don't know about the rest of you, but this is an excellent way to start the day.

Okay, so you know when you're sitting around and you see a glass that's been like, sitting on the desk for like forever with just a little bit of whatever you were drinking in the glass still in there, But its not the same color anymore. And you look at it and notice that there is actually something growing in there. I thinkthat is going to be science experiment number 2. Cause apparently the dream thing doesn't seem to be working. I'd show you the glass but well I want it to be really really really gross before I let anyone see it, or I might get up off my lazy butt and do the pavlovian thing and pour it out and put it in the dishwasher. Seems like an awful lot of work at the moment though, so lets just call it exepriment number 2.

Okay is ear wax not the most disgusting stuff. I mean really. I go through Q-Tips like nobodies business. COurse i will grant you that all that outside travel, without the benefit of windows and so forth my cause me ears to catch a little more debris and such, but still, yech. You wouldn't think and ear could be so disgusting. I mean do you?

Okay, (boy this entry is going all over the place) I was reading haikuboy's older diary entries, (as I mentioned, somethings you have to ration, in the event of stoppage, and I have discovered several mentionings of his trouble with the "essence of bed" I apparently don't have this problem. I've tried to stay in bed and sleep longer, but I'm of the opinion that with the Essence of bed, it isn't so much the effort on your part that is the problem. Quite to the contrary the essence of bed, is like 240 count mind control. Every fibre of the sheets, every coil in the box spring, the softness and warm coccoon like comfort of the blanket all join forces to woo you, body and soul to remain. No, me, I'm up with the sun. Apparently that, for me, is when the essence of bed must be weakest. i can feel its drowsing effects on cloudy rainy days most of all. And add a shot of real cold air out there and I could possibly be overwhelmed by the essense of bed. Please people, this is powerful stuff we're dealing with here. For a delightful case history, read haikuboy. its all there in the proverbial black and white.

okay, the clock tells me I am running out of time. while I hate to thrill you and run as i have done today, I must. For the bookwordl needs me. I'm not your ordinary mild mannered bookseller. Oh quite the contrary, behind this facade of calm and cool book expertise, resides.....oh like i said I'm out of time. Stayed tuned for more adventures but until then

Where do you want to go next?

(hopefully the links all work)

neurosis ~ catharsis