my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Warning: Do not take for pain. if pain persists, its probably the reading material.

2000-11-29 - 03:28:26

I can't believe another day of fun and excitement has come and gone and left me in the dust like an old run down car on the side of the road. It would have been more exciting had I been in the car but I think I must have been behind the car looking for a big tree to pee behind so I didn't even get dust on me. Sigh, I miss everything.

You're in luck this entry is chockful of chewy goodness.

After a came home and did nothing but watch tv and eat for several hours, watching tv, not eating. Actually i amtesting my theory concerning dream inducing foods, of which I mentioned the other day. hotdogs, and all their wonderful chemical content are excellent fodder for dreams. Also a big glass of orange juice, put that natural acid, along with a healthy dose of vitamin C. Add in a Dr Pepper and well if i don't have vivid dreams in which everything melts a la Dali, then there goes that theory. i work in the morning so you'll have to wait with bated breath to find out about the dreams, if they make an appearance.

I just visited a cool new diaryland site. QUOTED Its just a random collection of small quotes from different diaryland journals. it was really cool and some of the stuff kinda of made you go(if I may quote Arsenio Hall) HMMMMMMM. I found myself hmmmmming several times as i read them too. So if you haven't visited QUOTED, do so. Maybe you'll find yourself there. I didn't find me there and personally I thought the whole processed american cheese scene was very quotable. Alas, what is a diarist to do. better diarists than me aren't there either so, I shant be too terribly upset. no that's not a tear creepy from my left eye, its dust. I thought those swiffer sweepers were supposed to cling to dust and dirt. ha, I say.

What else can I talk about before I venture to dream land.

Apparently nothing.

I didn't get to talk to Mel, this evening. of course she finally was lead to my diaryland website and i may have all but frightened her. Course we talked till about 1:30 in the morning last night, so I think I can fight off the symptoms of withdrawal for another day or so. I really shouldn't listen to the radio when I talk to her cuz all these songs come on and make me think about her and while I don't mind thinking about her, it hurts to think about what could have been. Hindsight sucks! Not just a little either.

okay in order for me to get the requisite six hours of sleep that I would like, i gotta go now. 8:00 will be coming way to early in the morning. I'm a morning person most of the time so maybe I'll wake up early with those dreams fresh and ready to share. lets hope.

al right I'm out of here. for those who feel I've written yet another lackluster, and when i say those of you I am really referring to myself and what I think of this entry, well i've added some extra activities below for you to visit. You know just in case. :)


fecund FEH-kund or FEE-kund (adjective)

1 : fruitful in offspring or vegetation : prolific

*2 : intellectually productive or inventive to a marked degree

What an ugly word

Where do you want to go next?

(hopefully the links will work)

neurosis ~ catharsis