my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




okay, so it wasn't the greatest day ever. That's tomorrow....yeah

2000-12-05 - 03:24:50


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Okay, okay, so it wasn't the best day ever. I did try

The devil child made an appearance. you would be proud. I didn't yell at her tell her to get out or anything, though I admit I was thinking it so loud she felt it. I wanted to believe me. Cuz she was in there like 20 times. Daniel at Deck The Walls, paid her to leave his store and come bother me. needless to say revenge is necessary....but no....fight it, its going to be a good day

actually it was a good day. Not the greatest day ever. Wipe that smug smile off your face.

Work was long and monotonus and drawn out and I thought it would never end. I'm still waiting for the Christmas rush. It ain't coming is it. It sohuld be here by now. I should leave the work place dog tired yet content. I leave feeling like I missed something somewhere. its sort a sad really. But what can I do.

I had Luby's for lunch today. And I have to say it was mighty tasty. I had Garlic Chicken, delicious, macaroni and cheese, (almost nothin better) and some crappy mashed potatoes that tasted like, well crappy mashed potatoes. I'm not a big fan of potato foods, except for fries, but these mashed potatoes weren't worthy enough to use as spackling. They sucked. there I said it.

Then I came back and had to deal with a mean old woman who was upset that a book that was on back order hadn't come in yet and I got to deal with her. My day took a noticeable downward turn after that. FCUz then i had to deal with this man looking for books on selling and he checked out the business section already and he wanted me to check my computer for any other book that I might be able to find that we had in stock on that subject. I told him that it would be in the business section and he looked at me like I had given him the worst customer service ever given to any shopper ever in the history of shopping, maybe as far back as the bartering system. At that point I just didn't care.

Then I was talking to Irene, my assitant, and we were talking about the lovely customers, and the one that we were talking about was still in the store but we didn't know. She didn't say anything later when she bought some other books so maybe she didn't hear.

Then the rest of the night dragged on and on and on. You wouldn't beleive how long 3 hours can be.

But Ashley was tehre telling me about her lousy choices in boyfriends, so I was thoroughly entertained with that for awhile. And then Jennifer was over at Deck The Wall, her"boyfriend" works there and she is always up with him excpet of course when she is at work.

After work I pedalled my sorry ass home, (i know deep down you are all envious of me)and the first thing I did was sign on to the internet. yes even before I got a Dr Pepper. which goes to prove that my addiction to Dr Pepper isn't really THAT strong, right?

And to my delightful surprise, Mel was there and greeting me almost immediately. And then we talked, (are still talking actually) from 10:00 to , its now 1:06 in the a.m.

We listened to a couple of Cd's Bryam Adams greatest hits, (both of us) then I rubbed my Chicago cd in her face, as she only has it on tape. i sang loudly and bad along with all the songs thinking how so many of them said so much of what I wish I could.....but we don't want to go there right now cuz man, I'd bore you for pages and pages and pages. I don't have the time, you don't have the time and the enegery involved would be well wasted. Suffice to say my heart is still hers completely. which is a bit of a dilemma but I don't mind.

There aren't going to be any extra curricular activity links today cuz I am about to go to bed and I am not in the mood to write out any html or anything. not that i write much but i would have to cut and paste some stuff too, plus I wonder just how many of you actually do the old where do you want to go excursions. And there's some good stuff in there. Blatant plug concerning my poetry page. grin

Okay I am going for now. i will talk at you later, you too diary.

neurosis ~ catharsis