my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




if pain persists, consult a physician

2000-12-07 - 09:27:02
This is a test of the emergency diaryland systems. the diarist in your area, in cooperation with federal, state and local diarist have developed this test in the event of a diary. if this had been an actual diary, the diaryland link you just followed would have been contained official news, information and directions. This concludes this test of the emergency diarist system.

Have you ever had one of those days?

Don't you hate when people ask that question? One of what days? Shitty day? Oh happy day? What?

I've had many of those days. I've probably had every kind of day one might imagine. Those high falutin' days when everything in the world is right

And other days when getting out of bed is the first of many mistakes that I will have to endure before crawling back in bed. And I am pretty sure that everyone of us can say the same thing. of course I suppose the question might be rhetoric, then this whole argument is moot. Maybe I should crawl into bed right now.

I need to clean this place up. Its a pig sty. Course i say this knowing full well that house work has got to be the worst. I hate it. When I first moved here I was a bit zealous about cleaning and being tidy. Cuz who wants to look like a slob. But these last couple of months, after I returned from my trip, actually, I come home plop down on the sofa or at the computer and things just pile up. I have to do laundry again too. Sends chills down my spine. But I can't exactly go to work naked now can I? And the big pile of clothes on the floor is more an onstacle course and safety hazard. COurse I've managed to navigate it with no problem. Its an acquired skill.

I was watching tv last night and there were a couple of commercial that made me laugh to the ceiling.

The one about the couple who are visiting some new firends and the lady has a box of Hershey's TOp shelf chocolates or something and the guy goes "Hershey's Top shelf, we don't know them well enough" and hides them in his coat and pulls up a handful of planted flowers by the door. I laughed and laughed and laughed. It was hilarious. I guess you had to be there.

There was another one that made me laugh too, but now I forget. Maybe if you were a bit more enthusiastic about my commercial anecdotes, I might remember more.

The sun is out, the sky is a magnificent blue and its colder than hell after pigs have flown outside, but I think its going to be a good day. You know FRIENDS is on tonight. That in and of itself makes the day there, but there's more. After I clean the trusty apartment of its apparent filth and grime, maybe before depending on my mood, which right now is leaning towards before, I get to go Christmas shopping. Yes I know I was going to do this on Tuesday, but did you see how grey and wet and blah it was outside. I could barely pull myself away from the computer long enough to scramble some eggs, butter a couple of pieces of toast and open a can of Dr Pepper. Where was I going to get the energy to face the world and let them have all my money? So you see, that is what I am going to do today. Or at least I am going to attempt such activity.

Sometimes, after reading that last paragraph, I am of the opinion that I could easily become a hermit. What is so bad about being a hermit anyways. Don't have to mess with anyone. All the gossip about you, no matter how explosive or boring, is just gossip, because nobody knows you.....but i guess being a hermit would be boring. No man is an island and all that philosophical stuff. Speaking of Philosophy, i am going to register for some classes this week too. Philosophy, Ethics, and a psychology class on personality. If that doesn't sound like a boatload of fun, people what does? Just think of all the insight I will have into all you people's diaries I read. That sentence sounds terribly full of grammar faux pas, but I don't want to fix it.

Okay, it is 10:00 do you know where I should be? Somewhere else. Anywhere else. Since you made it all the way down here without falling into a severe comatose state, perhaps you might want to sign my guestbook

I really do need to go. I will fill you in on the grand events that this day gave me later this evening. Please stay tuned. Until then:

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(Sometimes I worry about my reading material)

neurosis ~ catharsis