my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




It ain't easy being cheesy, but I seem to have it down pat

2000-12-18 - 20:13:41
Things I Learned From Commercials (and several online diaries)

WALMART IS the place to be!

Work was really good today. No really. By the time I got off work, that was when all teh crazies started coming out to shop. I got the tail end of one, this psychotic womanv who really had no right to be out shopping. I sold a whopping 12 discount cards. I hardly ever do that. Course today was double double points so we should have sold a bunch of them. I did!

I bought a crap load of books and stuff. Bought the

Beatles Cd One, (the beatles 27 number 1 hits). What else did I get

HTML 4 for Dummies (self esteem booster)

Protect and Defend by Richard North Patterson(fiction)

Dr Death by Jonathan Kellerman (mystery)

(a gift that can't be named in the event that some is reading this diary at the moment)

Down to the Sea by William R Forstchen (sci/fi)

The Iron Tower by Dennis McKiernan (fantasy)

Code to Zero by Ken Follett (fiction/espionage)

Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger (fiction, awesome by the way)

My mom called me at work to day and apparently my home is going to be the sight of the Christmas gathering this year. Which is cool by me. She was sort of inferring that she was going to come over, but the place looks like it impoded when I wasn't looking

....and when i touch you i feel happy such a feeling that my love I can't hide I can't hide i can't hide.... can't buy me looooove, looove, can't buy me love..... My neighbors will kill me, I am sure of it now.

Anyway now I have to have a major cleaning party of one. (Do you know how hard it is is to sing into your imaginary microphone and type at the same time. its tough. I never realized.)

I've been feeling awfully lazy of late. I don't know what it is. I'm not a slob. yeah keep tellingyourself that But i just can't get into this whole cleaning thing lately. I am glad I live by myself. granted a lot of the mess in the living room is stuff for Christmas presents and stuff so it really isn't as bad as it looks. But my room has morphed into a teenager's room. .....i'm in love with her and I feel fine. I'm so glad that she's my little girl..she's so glad, she's tellin' all the world.....she's in love with me and I feel fine isn't that the way its supposed to work? Sorry I keep getting into beatlemania mood. I'm not a big Beatles fan, I just got a really good deal on the cd, I guess. But this is some good stuff! I'm growing as a person. :)

Have I ever apologized for a less than exciting diary entry. if so i take it back. Cuz well while I would like to think that I am providing something interesting for those who might be reading this to be entertained in my presentation. truth be told, the only person this really pertains to is me. Right? I only say this because i was reading one of my favorite diaries and there was an apology proffered concerning the diary entries of late and I thought to myself that he shouldn't be apologizing. Of course i took it upon myself to say as much to him. And then I thought have I done the same thing? So as not to be a two-faced imbecile, I take it back, whatever apologies I might have proffered. If you like what I write, great, if you don't well I guess you can keep reading or you can go elsewhere. there's plent of links I read that you might find more fulfilling. I know I do!

Okay, I'll be back. its time to go watch THE PRACTICE Do you watch this show. In a word, AWESOME. maybe I watch too much tv. Sorry it took so long, but the 10:00 episode of came on too. can you say too much tv?

Okay I guess I should go since I have to be up at the crack of dawn to go back to work. But then I am off for a day! Ah rest and relaxation.. What a whiner i am sometimes.

Almost forgot the COMIC STRIP OF THE DAY:

That'll always put a smile on your face. And if it doesn't, well you don't know how to smile.

Anyway since you made it down to here, why don't you scribble me a note in the trusty guestbook

Don't forget to go and read those other diaries. They like visitors too.

neurosis ~ catharsis