my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




the days are just rollin by

2001-01-02 - 11:59:44

I love that Calvin & Hobbes. Some people don't even know what Calvin & Hobbes is. Sad really. Very sad. I must sigh, a sigh full of sadness for tehse ever so deprived child. I was talking (emailing) a person and told him about Calvin & Hobbes and he had NO IDEA who Calvin & Hobbes were! So okay, he lives in Scotland, but my GOD!

Anyway ,I tookit upon myself to educate the poor lad. Those of you who are not so knowledgable concerning the great Calvin & Hobbes: The Best Comic strip EVER pay them a visit.

You know 2001 isn't exactly rockin' and a rollin' yet. Course its only the second, and it started on a monday, so I guess I shouldn't be expecting too much out of it so far, right?

Did I tell you we got snow. We finally got snow. Course its well on its way t o melting now, but I happily constructed a fairly sad lookin snowman, (which was later demasculated when some hoodlum coworkers gave him breasts. needless to say I was shocked. I had to give him a breast reduction, on the spot.) Anyway, he wasn't a very big snowman, but he was a snowman, all the same. So mother nature redeemed herself, at the very last moment she possibly could for the year. Now I am tired of the snow and cold and am ready for winter and spring to be gone, spring because of the predominance of rain and lets hop back into summer and swimming pools and vacations and fun.

Still haven't heard from Mel. I'm sitting here hoping to give her the benefit of the doubt, hoping that something came up, but in my heart I know she just forgot. I shouldn't be surprised as she's done this on other occasions, but I keep hoping. I'm somewhat hopeless

Useless fact of the moment: ginger chicken broccoli is suppose to make you feel good. This is the stuff I have to listen to on the radio when I am so completely lazy as to not reach over and turn it off for some peace and quiet. But it kinda makes me hungry for chinese food too. grrrr. No chinese food here. I guess I'll have to make do with macaroni and cheese (in the blue box please) and add 4 oz of Philadelphia Cream cheese and man oh man, i'm just as happy. Course mine is just a carbohydrate high, I'm sure but happy is I. only thing I have to go in there and cook it. I feel like just going back to bed. I was awake like who knows how early this morning. Yeah I know I could have rolled over and looked at the clock, but a) I was lazy and b) I was afraid just how early it was going to be. So I'm a bit sleepy.

Plus I have to clean house. It looks like the room imploded in here and I don't even want to start with the kitchen. I need some momentum. Sitting here drinking Dr Pepper, (did I tell you that my scotland friend, doesn't LIKE Dr Pepper)isn't giving me that much momentum. Sad and twisted. Diet Coke, he says. ppphhhhhhfffffftttttt! Its sad really. Don't like Dr Pepper and doesn't know what Calvin & Hobbes is. What is that back asswards country of scotland doing to its youth. I'm joking. Soctland is awesome. Really. I want to go back maybe even this year.

Okay what the hell is wrong with taco Bell. Have you seen their new "Zesty" commercial. I HATE it! No really. Everything about it makes me cringe. Two fat guys sitting on a bench eating their zesty burrito and looking at things and saying "zesty!" and nodding their heads like stupid little dashboard puppets. I HATE that commercial. I want to throw the tv out the window every time I see it. (I think I need to look into anger management classes) grin

okay well I reckon I ought to mosey if I am to get a little momentum going for this day. But that bed looks awfully comfy. If my webcam were on you could see just how comfy it looks, or me comfy in it. Alas, it isn't at least I don't think it is, not at the moment anyway, at this writing.

okay I'm outta here. yee ha!

neurosis ~ catharsis