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People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Another auld lang syne

Wednesday, Jan. 02, 2002 - 9:32 A.M.

Happy New Year

Ahhhhhhhh. A new year, a new opportunity, a new lease on life. Everything is good. everything is possible. nothing is beyond our reach. Course same can be said for each new day. But a new year is full of all the possibilities .

I usually don't do the new year resolution thing because well sometimes those resolutions don't quite make it to the end of the year. But realizing that I am human, that I am not perfect, that I can't do Everything, a resolution is still a good thing to try and achieve

The one resolution that I am going to try to strive for is to be debt free by the end of the year. That's a good goal, don't you think. something that is achievable. Cuz as it is, it looks like I won't be going to London this year if I owe as much as I do. So I'm gonna have to buckle down and try my hardest to make a huge huge dent in my bills.

My new years eve was fun. It wasn't a great loud blast of a celebration, but I still had a good time. With friends, although everyone wasn't there.

I had to work till 6:45 and then I came home for a bit. I was able to persuaded Derek that he and Adam should go and eat with us at the very least since he didn't think they were going to do anything. We all ended up at Chili's (cuz Derek had a Gift Card and could eat) Then we were in search of something fun to do. We were going to go to Village (I know what you're thinking, me at Village) but it was sort of a majority rules type of thing and in all actuality it is just a club so what's the big deal, but the cover charge for New Years Eve was $25 so being a poor lot of people, it was decided that Village was out. Then we decided we would go somewhere and make some drinks but all the stores, Majestics etc, were already closed by the time we got out from Chili's so I had to stop by my place and raid the proverbial liquor cabinet. Got my blender and we headed over to Dereks. We would have stayed at my apartment, but I have relatives still at my house. But they'll be leaving at the crack of dawn on Friday!!!! :) I'm ready.

But anyway we ened up at Derek's where I pretended to be a bartender. I made Pina Coladas and Margaritas. They were kinda weak but i thought I had put enough in them. Derek thought his was strong but he doesn't like the taste of alcohol and he could taste it. Mine tasted weak but I was low on rum. but it still did the work. By the end of the evening everyone was happily relaxed and the new year was well on its way.

hopefully everyone had fun. It was nice of Derek to invite us over to his apartment after we didn't find anywhere else to go. We stayed till almost 4:00. hopefully we didn't stay past our welcome cuz i know he was tired.

Anyway still we had fun. I had fun

neurosis ~ catharsis