my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression





2001-02-07 - 10:40:03
So life ain't so bad. Granted after a lukewarm shower and having towrok all day, or most of the day, at the very least the better part of the day, things still have the opportunity to turn out well. They did anyway. turn out well.

it just started out pretty blah. But then i pedalled my disgruntled derriere to work and had a nice enriching conversation with God. So it was mostly one way but sometimes you can tell when He is talking to you. Not so much in words but when you are talking to him and wondering aloud and something comes over you, this feeling, this sensation and the answer is there for you. Its incredible sometimes and a sense of peace comes over me. Especially when I am somewhat subdued about things. then I am opening some new books and find this one entitled A death On a Friday afternoon concerning the crucifixion of Christ and his final words before his death. and I open it up and it is in the chapter titled Judge Not. I have been having issues with this, with judging, with myself but with others judging too, people who I think would know better that to do it. which in and of itself is a judgment. It seemed like a sign. Silly i know but He works in mysterious ways.

Then I was reading this other book concerning my INFP personality temperamnent test made by keirsey and it was a book that he wrote called Please Understand Me and it details teh 16 different personailty types and I read the one I am and Oh My Gawd but that is me to a "T" It was frightening to see me written out in words like that. It was cool though because it was so right on the target and kind of gave me insight into me. Which is always good isn't it?

Anyway other than that work was something of a bore. Sold some books, some $1 calendars and did returns for a lot of the sections and then went to lunch, well I ate part of a bag of Lays cheddar cheese flavor chips and drank my Dr Pepper and then fiddled around for a couple hours and then came home. Ordered pizza, Papa John..mmmmmm and watched Dead Poet Society with Jenni and then Law & Order, the Friends rerun and here I am updating diaryland. SO all in all, a good day was had by the important participant. me. ha

tomorrow I get ot go to school. Which is good cuz I LOVE my classes. Ireally do. they intrigue me and make me think alot. I like that.

okay Ireckon I'll go ahead and mosey.

talk at me soon, be gone with you!

neurosis ~ catharsis