my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




minutes of the meeting, that is my life

2001-02-09 - 13:15:32
Socks are meant to be put on a certain way, right? I mean you can't just pull them on and you're done. That's what I am thinking. Although 90 % of the time, that is just what I do. Right now I have one sock on that is supposedly correct, the seem running length wise along the tips of my toes. The other sock, the right foot sock is doing all sorts of crazy things. For example, the seem runs from the bottom of my foot and then between my big toe and the second toes. And its really grating on my nerves. But I refuse to change it. Why? you ask? Well its just this. Nobody is going to see that sock, nobody knows that the seem is running incorrectly (well noboby but you few readers) and well who really gives a crap how you put your socks on anyway. That was just on the top of my mind when I sat down here, so you were lucky enough to hear about it. HAHAHAHAHAHA

I found a pen yesterday on my way to work. One of those black papermates. ANd while you're think, who cares, I have to say, I do. Not so much cuz I'm a pen klepto as it is, or that it was black, my favorite writing color, but mostly because at the time I found the pen, it was, sadly to say, the highlight of my day. Granted the day did get better. Classes were awesome. I probably have the two best instructors on campus. THey are awesome, which makes the classes awesome, which make andrew a very happy student.

We did more instruction over our personality profile results. Me being an INFP really opens my eyes about so many things after reading the analysis. But I already went into that before so, I'll stop. Just go back if you want to be bored with it.

Philsophy was awesome too. We finished up the argument fallacies and we were talknig about the fallacy of ambiguity, and then he proceeded to give us a ton of examples and we were laughing like we were at a comedy club. Far Side is full of Ambiguity fallacies. And a lot of advertising slip ups are too. Showing that it can but unintentional. But it made for a great class. Those that know me, know that I laugh at almost anything anyways, well I'm sure I added another couple years to my life just sitting in class Thursday. maybe that's why I look so young. All that laughing, good for the facial muscles I'm sure. hmmmmm.

Anyway after school. I went to have lunch with Ms Baker. She of the other bookstore that I am supposed to work at. We went to bennigans. Mighty tasty too. then I wandered the mall aimlessly for a bit, buying nothing and happy for it. THen I came back home and watch the west wing, (i had to record it) and then Jenni came over and we watched Friends and ate hamburger helper "it makes a great meal" Friends was hilarious. Naturally especially with the 10 extra minutes. You know next week, its a whole hour!!!! So stay tuned folks.

After that the evening went downhill, only insofar as we watched the rest of the NBC lineup Will & Grace, funny, Just Shoot Me (why is that still on tv) and I watched ER. Jenni had to go pick up her "fiance". I put quotation marks because often is the time that she does as well, even if she's talking, I can see the quotation marks in my minds eyes, so there you go. After ER, I watched the FRIENDS rerun, as if i couldn't and then finished reading Stephen King's The Plant book one Zenith Rising. If you haven't read it, its awesome!!! I like Stephen King better than I like Friends. AND I LOVE FRIENDS. THis was really good. It started off a bit slow, but once he got into the new stuff, the first two parts he wrote about 20 years ago, but parts 3-6 all brand new stuff. Awesome!

Then I went to bed. The webcam was on so people got to watch me read. I have to say, I'd have rather watched another episode of Just Shoot Me, but alas I was reading, thank goodness.

And now my few readers, I am getting ready to walk out tehe door and head to work. "Yippee yi yay, #)%&#)*(&@" if I can quote Bruce Willis from Die Hard. Okay maybe its a paraphrase but you get it.

Suppose to go see Hannibal tonight. ANd my little brother is coming into town and I get to take them out to eat. So my day is filled to the tippity top. YOu realize as an INFP, my social skills are somewhat undeveloped, (not true really) because I like to spend time by myself. (Not a bad thing) and I haven't really had much alone time recently, what with bowling on Tuesday, (Which i won) and movie night on wednesday (Dead Poet Society), Friends on Thursday with Dinner provided by Jenni (hamburger helper and some sort of noodle concoction, which was pretty good) and then today I work/dinner with bro/movie with Jenni. I'M TIRED. and I can't help it. INFP Remember that. Read the section in Please Understand Me II by David Keirsey page 157 I think and you will get the perfect picture of me. I swear there should be a picture of me right there.

Okay, I gotta go. Work beckons with a cruel laughter and a crooked gnarled finger.

happy trails and

Be Gone With You!

neurosis ~ catharsis