my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Hannibal the Cannibal is a vegetarian

2001-02-10 - 08:58:53
The weather down here is really headed for a change BZ. As all eternity has shown, there has been our fair share of fire and brimstone but yesterday i noticed a front coming in that will more than likely cause hell to freeze over

Do you ever have ideas that you thought would never be turned over? You know with this philosophy class that I am taking, (an awesome class by the way) I've noticed certain things and thought things that I have never thought before, seemed to have grasped ideas that have kind of dithered in the back of my mind and really I guess opened my eyes to the possibilities of what is. its really hard to say it in words. But its eye opening.

Hannibal was a pretty good movie. You should go see it. But I would suggest not sitting on the second row in a stadium theatre with a screen that goes from one end of the theatre to the other. But the movie was good. makes me consider vegetarianism as an option though. I don't think I'll be having a burger anytime soon. After the movie we went to Bennigans. Well when I say we, there were 10 of us who went to the movie and only six of us ended up going to Bennigans. Fun and excitement was had by all when 4, and I guess technically it was only one who reacted badly to the idea of going to get something to eat. And then again, there always seems to be some palpable tension in this little group. personalities clash, not to mention a whole array of emotions that interact in this group. Its an interesting thing to watch sometimes but it got a little annoying last night as people tried to extricate themselves from other people while others of us had to stand around and freeze our collective asses off.

Bennigan's was pretty cool, though. Once the palpable tension was gone, everyone was able to relax a bit. Though how they were hungry for anything with meat in it, especially with people (okay it was me) saying stuff like, are you sure that's chicken? I had the White Chocolate Chill Out and a Dr Pepper. I was still full of Olive Garden. Courwse teh highlight of our Olive garden visit was the fact that this 16 year old kid was kind enough to point out that I looked like David Letterman. Needless to say I was thrilled. Then he mentions that he's been told he looks like Joshua Jackson, you know from Dawson's Creek, and I was thinking to myself, I'll trade ya.

I had the seafood Portofino. Pretty good. Service sucked though and Tim (my brother) got the same thing I got, but when it came he looked at it like eeewwwww, and took out the clams and the mushrooms and threw them in my plate. I had to laugh. renee had some mighty tasty lookin' chicken. ALl in all though the food was good.

After the evening excitement all I did was crawl into bed and go to sleep. Asap. no I did check and delete all the crap email I had. Other than that to sleep I went. Then I look up and the ceiling fan is on and i think to myself you know all you have to do is stand up and pull that little chord and it would be much warmer in here, but then teh lazy me said but its cold out there out from under these coveres. So technically I froze my butt off last night.

All in all, a delightful time was had.

neurosis ~ catharsis