my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Gotta love Mondays

2001-02-12 - 10:45:42

I am sleepy. I mean granted I did just get a nice long 8 hour nap but still. Its been one of those weekends, that seemed to all run together....wait a minute it did all run together. But it was fun. There were a few mishaps along the way but still I do it again, most of it.

I told you about Friday night, you know Hannibal, tasty, my stomach still a bit queasy but maybe that's just the leftover pizza talking. Saturday I get up and teh day looks like it'll be a good one. Work at one and then who knows what. Well this is what happened.

Work was the longest most boringest hell (co-workers excluded) ever imaginable. Time dripped by so slow, it was torture really. I didn't like it. I hated it. Then there was the oddity that is/was/is M and C. M and C went with us to watch Hannibal and well they seemed perfectly content. Very content. Well Jenni gets to work Saturday and says that M & C more or less broke up after everyone went there own ways after Bennigans. It was a surprise. M was upset. I suggested we do something with M, actually what I suggest was that jennifer do something with M, but it turned out that I was going to be there too, and before we know it, lots of people ended up being there. Technically it was going to be a pre-valentine's get together sort of gig thing anyway. But they was all tossed aside because of the Hannibal/Bennigan's drama. But work finally ended, thank the little deities, and we moseyed on over to Jenni's place and waited for the activities to begin. I unfortunately had to fortify myself which as the evening progressed led to some scary albeit humorous behavior on my part (apparently I'm a funny drunk, I laughed alot, I know that for sure) M was feeling much better and M was the recipient of much wisdom, inebriated though it might have been, but sound. Then we all went to eat at Razzoo's or however you spell it. M got a phone number. D got drunker and a fishbowl to boot. I was still a bit, well okay sloshed, but on the mend from the bacardi. Never drink after eating just a snickers, a baby ruth and a lindts chocolate ball for the whole of your food supply for the day. See i came away with a bit of wisdom. W was not having a pleasant evening, denials aside. It was bad enough W had to pay for everything too.

After Razzoo's we went back to Jenni's house (you know I just said that like I was Forest Gump. Hello Jenni, mah name's Forest Gump, people call me Forest Gump) W drove off, none too happy, I was feeling a bit worse after teh car ride and no fresh air blowing in my face. M seemed on the mend. Jenni was probably hearing that "Jennifer Murphy THIS is your life" goingthrough her head. Okay maybe I might have said it a couple of times. By the time we got back to her place, the world was a nasty shaky blur and all i could do was give her sympathy pats. The idea of going home was not a good one. motion was my enemy. people sitting on the couch brought inner skirmishes that threatened all that was good and right. So the prudent thing was to take the offered blanket, lay down on the oh so comfortable couch, it was very comfortable, and go to sleep. I proceeded to do just that, well it was after a little more discussing with M about the heartache and so forth, making sure it was over and done with and not to do anything rash.

Sunday morning came wwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too early, and I had to go to the bathroom. They have this little tiny bathroom and you can hear everything. Nobody likes that. Well I had to go so i did, thank goodness everyone was asleep. SOunded like Niagra falls in there I am sure. I just pretyened I didn;t hear a thing. M was probably waiting for the flood, sleeping on the living room floor. Had to go to work in the same clothes i wore all day the previous day, i probably looked like death warmed over, fortunately that's not much different than i normally look.

Work went by a little bit faster than Saturday. I was there by myself except for an hour when Jenni came to give me a lunch break. I had Luby's mmm mmm mmm. Then M calls about an invite that obviously came circuitously from C. I said go, but not because C is going to be there, but because it'll be fun. Well I came home after work and watched abit of tv, entertained my twin brother and family, got a lucky bean, (it is lucky you know, cuz I found my umbrella which I thought was lost and gone forever) and then I called jenni, to have her call M, to make sure everything was all right. Well apparently it turned out better than that. For M anyway. M & C are back together because C called M wanting to get back together. I'm confused, but its obvious they liked each other, or at least it was on Friday night which seems like an eternity from right now. Monday morning.

Studying for my exams tomorrow. Answered my essay questions which have to be turned in before the test. I have to be at work at 1:15 today. At Northeast mall. which at the very least mean the day will go by more quickly as there will be more customers to take up my time. Hopefully.

Fortune of course felt it necessary to bring a little rain into my world. Suppose to be rainy and crappy til thursday too. Blech. Anyway that was my wonderous littel weekend. And it all starts again today. gotta love mondays, doncha. i need a dr pepper.

neurosis ~ catharsis