my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Wax on, wax off

2001-02-14 - 17:16:29
Do you ever get that desire to just clean. I mean, I'm not talknig about hauling out the vacuum cleaner and going over the rug until it has those vacuum cleaner marks where it looks like you vacuumed, but then you find yourself gathering up trash and scrubbing things and one thing leads to another and you are practicing the Mr Miagi's wax on wax off cleaning method to the bathtub. no danielson. Wax on left hand, wax off right hand except for instead of wax I am using Soft scrub with lemon on that nasty bathroom build up. I think Mr Miagi missed his calling. he could have made a whole career after the Karate Kid movies by going into his own fitness/cleaning business. no danielson. Lift the couch right hand, vacuum under couch left hand Oh what the mind thinks when it is totally bored. sigh. hmmm, how bout a nap. You know I think I pulled a butt muscle last night. no I am pretty sure I did. My right cheek is killing me. Course I guess when you bowling and you practically fling yourself into the gutter, there's bound to be trouble. Do it three times and man, don't you look foolish. But the people next to us, the girl actually looking like she was sliding into home, she was like 4 feet into the lane. I swear, I didn't laugh...that much. And then there's Jenni, sweet sweet Jenni, 10th frame of the last game, she is losing miserably, she's got to hit something, anything to, well lose with some grace. Ahh, but it was just not meant to be i reckon. You ever see those sitcom episodes, where they go bowling and the person nearly ends up sending the ball in the wrong direction, towards the spectators. Well dear sweet little miss jenn, almost did that. Instead she dropped the ball right there at her feet. I could've sworn the whole bowling alley came to a halt for that one moment. my Dr pepper was half was to my lips. The guy next to us had to stop and step back. Everyone gave her a very wide berth for that last throw. And that's what it was really. A throw. lets not calling it bowling after that....hehehehehehehehehe a little pity for her folks. She's only been bowling like 4 times in her life. It was bound to happen. I mean that sort of explains her miserable bowling. Apparently I just suck. But at least I sucke the best.

Okay, this was a complete waste of finger energy. I am going to do something productive, any minute now. And you aren't going to be here to see it. sigh such is life. Okay, gotta go. I need to read some peoples stuff anyway. Haven't really gotten to read diarylands for a while. I happened upon one yesterday, talk about beautiful writing. Sarah did I mention beautiful, yes I think I did. Beautiful writing. that's where I am going

neurosis ~ catharsis