my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




scribblings of the mundane

2001-02-16 - 12:54:32
the sun is supposed to return to us beyond the vail of clouds and rain that has been tormenting us all week. Its amazing more people don't suffer from that depression caused by lack of sunshine. I swear its the most dreary of existences without sunshine beating down on you. I hate it. Well not hate, but still, I need my sun please!

I can't believe this week has flown by so quickly. I mean it was just Sunday for goodness' sake and here it is Friday morning and me getting ready for a fun filled day at work. It has been somewhat of a relaxing week, although I haven't had a free day to myself it seems since well it feels like weeks. My INFP INFP? What the hell are you talking about? is starting to rebel.

Then there's this thing that's about to be reincarnated into a millenium edition and while I am flattered to be considered a part of it, there is something about me being added when all in all I have only know two of the people who are going to be in for any length of time and one of them just in passing. I may have to resign my official status and take honorary member, you know like an honorary diploma, and partake of the fun but there are other people who have been around much longer that will probably be hurt if I'm suddenly an official member. Not a good idea. There's a whole slew of social dynamics going on there that really could cause a lot of emotional turmoil. Don't need that. I don't like turmoil, even those little dramas that look like they might have a little humourous merit to them, well sure I'll laugh but still.

Maybe MP is right, I am old. I sound old. You're probably wondering just what the hell I am talking about, but rest assured those in the know, know. right?

okay the alarm clock has turned itself off, the gray of the morning sky is seeping ever so effortlessly through the blinds the rain has quit dripping from the trees and the shingles into the bushes outside my window and my Dr Pepper addictions is making itself known, so I gotta go. I will talk at you later.

those of you who made it this far into my blatherings, might feel kind enough to scribble me a note telling me of your agreement or disagreement, your complete confusion, your adoration, your easy 12 step program to break the addiction of Dr Pepper, but you might want to save that one for later as I have just stocked up on that nectar in the maroon aluminum can, give me a week or so to help deplete the quantity that beckons to me and hope, hope hard, that there won't be a sale.

neurosis ~ catharsis