my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




I ran all the way home. Come on, everyone sing along. Just to say I'm sorry...sooorrrereeeeooooo!

2001-02-17 - 10:57:26
Hmmmmm, where can I get some ample fodder for an entry. anything. something.

God Bless low alcohol tolerance, that's what I say. (hey that's good fodder if there ever was any) The reason I say this is because, well I have a very low alcohol tolerance. I think its that my body is so used to the mass consumption of Dr Pepper that when it notices something else coming down the gullet it reacts rather favorably, sending those little shots of whatever it may be, to the appropriate brain location which regulates all social skills. Because while I laugh at almost anything, loudly and happily, put two shots of liquor into me and I am good to go and nothing is more entertaining than my old pair of tennis shoes or noticing that we live in a 3d world. I'm telling you its true. Okay so that really had to do with a BIG shot of bacardi, 8 oz, on a very empty stomach, but still in the grand scheme of things, I shouldn't really drink and think.

Last night was the first official meeting of the Wacky Pack m.e. in which apparently there is no such thing as an honorary member. you're either in or your reserved. But if your in, you can't be reserved. I fought long and hard for a little h next to my name, bartered for a reserved spot, but it was all to no avail. sigh. But I did get moved down to spot number 5 instead of 4, which seems only fair as M was a member of the Wacky Pack: beta version ha.

As time progresses, when my mind is capable of fully comprehending the intricacies of the wacky pack, i will try to further explain just what I have been sucked into by some unforeseen vortex. I mean any other group of people who hang out together on a regular basis don't tend to find teh necessity to name themselves and then go out of there way to name each member of the group as well. I am content to walk away with a wacky pack knighthood under my belt. Sir Drew: Defender of the Feet. Long and frightening story that i will not go into, suffice to say it entails little toes and laughter of which I take no part, but was unfortunate enough to be present to witness. grin. you know, the name of the group oftentimes seems appropos. frighteningly so. As next saturday "photoshoot" will prove I ma certain. By the way, I hate to have my picture taken!

Hmm what else. Today will be spent doing a lot of nothing. In so far as, I have nothing to do. No work, thank goodness. I do have to do laundry though. Really. Its piled high. need to call my mother, she called a day or two ago and I just heard the message last night. Not used to getting phone calls to often, at least not from other people other than work.

I sold another one of my george R R Martin books for $81 the other day. Got the check in my hand to prove it. Ahhh capitalism, you gotta love it. I still have 9 more copies to go. I just posted another on ebay this morning.

Well I seem to be rambling from topic to topic without any significance so I figure this ought to be a good time to bid you adieu. Nothing inflammatory to bring out any back lash. Haikuboy thank you for that 12 step Dr pepper program. I shall put it to work, alas it doesn't seem to be the successful program I had hoped. i think I've been through it on several occasions already. But still, the thought, very touch. the D.P.A. meeting will be thoroughly enlightened I am sure.

hello, my name is andrew, and I'm a pepper

you know what, it does make the world taste better!

On that note, be gone with you!

You know, I think I am going to go to the mall. I got money. Have that $85 check for the book I sold, $73.50 check for dropping my Ethic(the most boring teacher on the planet) class, plus a check for $33 from Ms Baker from a long time ago, just eating a hole in my pocket. Actually I guess hers was just nibbling a hole, but the others are just calling out to be spent. Hmmmmm, what to buy, what to buy. I 'll think of something and fill you in later. bye now

neurosis ~ catharsis