my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Satan has a butt teat

Tuesday, Jan. 08, 2002 - 9:56 A.M.
Just in case you are unaware, and it is possible, Meg Ryan is a goddess. A Goddess I tell you. She is beautiful, magnificent, incandesncet and resplendant. Last night I went and watched Kate and Leopold. Kate (meg ryan, duh!) was absolutely lovely and beautiful and oh my god I want her to have my babies. Jack (dennis Quaids son with Meg Ryan) needs siblings, right? It would only be right, i'm telling you.

Now what else is there to tell you. THe movie itself was really good. A romantic romp through time that captures the hopelessly romantic in all of us and flings us to the precipice and makes us wish that we were the one taking the leap of faith, fulfilling that one thing that we all deep down wish we had. Love. Love Love Love.

As you might know, I'm a horribly romantic person. No, no, its true. I am. I suffer from it constantly. On the way home I was thinking that I so want Mel to watch this movie with me. She would love it truly. She would think that I only want to watch it because of Meg Ryan and that was the reason I wanted to watch it in the first place because well its meg, but truly I am Leopold and she is my Kate. Except she is hopelessly romantic too and well. Its just perfection on the silver screen. really it is. "sigh" And it has meg too. But I said that already.

All in all a good day was had by all. Went to work, which turned out alright. The first half of the day was a drag. All I did was actually work. yech! Then my comic relief showed up, late, I might add. He was sick on sunday and I was thinking he was going to be sick again today and I was going to be stuck with Martha all day until Janelle showed up and that would have been a misery all its own. Fofrtunately he finally showed up. Then I went to Bennigans and had lunch with Wade and Paige. Lunch with the two of them can be so much fun.

Day before yesterday we were, all three of us< at my apartment and Paige has a tendency for some reason to get a little loopy, is a good word, when she comes to my apartment. At first we werre under the impression that it was teh candy corn cuz well she likes candy corn and she often eats it when she is here, and then next thing we know, she's loopy. Then the other day she had m&m's and loopy. THen day before yesterday she had nothing, nothing at all but a diet Dr pepper, but she was loopy again. Then we hit upon a reality. Its the apartment, or more importantly, the spores. What spores you ask. Well teh spores released from Satan's Butt Teat. Yes you heard me correctly. Paige is a very unique (read: weird) individual. SHe came up with the butt teat. How it ended up on my butt I'm not certain, perhaps in my euphoria of the moment I might have claimed it, cuz it is my apartment, the least I could do was claim the spore producing butt teat of satan as my own. Now you might think that if its satan's butt teat, then I must be satan. Sorry, I'm not satan. Nor do I really have a butt teat or a teat for that matter. This very subject came up when Wade called me a bitch. ANd Paige said I couldn't be a bitch if I didbn't have teats, and lo and behold when I looked I didn't have teats, thus no bitch was I, but then the whole atan's butt teat raised its ugly head. Anyway....where was I, oh yes lunch with them can be so much fun, especially when you insert the whole butt teat into the conversation. Truly. Lunch was delightfully funny.

What else. Wade is going through a metamorphosis. Not that its a sudden metamorphosis, quite to the contrary he's been trying to do it for the last several months, but as time progresses it seems to be speeding up. He's not happy with who he is, how he is. For the longest time he has equated himself by the people he hung around with and how they treated him and viewed him, not taking into account who he was on the inside. As thing as progressed and people revealed what they really thought and how they really cared it has become more obvious to him that he doesn't want to be that person.

Wade is all about wade. Wait, let me finish, only in so far as everyone is all about themselves. I am all about myself. I want to succeed in all that I do, I want my friends to be my friends. I want the people around me to be true to me. I want to be and do and feel and think and believe that I am who I am and I hope that those around me, will care for the person that I am, and not the person they want me to be. Wade gives of himself more than any one I know. Sometiems he gives too much. Some people saw this and took what they wanted and then when tehy were done, they were done with him. I don't know why it ended that way, I don't know if it was ever meant to end any other way than it did. All I know is that he is a good person. he deserves to have good friends and I think Paige and I are good friends to him. We are sycophantic, pliable molded characters that he can direct to his whim, like we have been described or considered, we have our own minds and eyes and see more than what we are given credit for. Its the quiet ones, and YES, believe it or not, I am one of the quiet ones, the seers. I know Wade and am well aware of his flaws, butI also know the goodness in him and well he is my friend. Don't ge me started on that Paige person. Lord my fingers would go numb. Satan's butt teat, indeed!

I have to go to TCC now and pick up some stuff. I shall finish this later. Adios amigos

neurosis ~ catharsis