my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




back in the saddle again

Saturday, Jan. 12, 2002 - 10:34 A.M.
I used to be prolific like this. Writing everyday.

something to think about "Milk always turns it yellow." I'm gonna take his word for it.

its morning. but you knew that already, didn't you. I did actually go to sleep. Got a good 4 hours of sleep right here on the couch. I really should sleep in my bed, but my couch is oh so comfortable. Not as comfortable as some couches, but you gotta accept the drawbacks of one's couch and move on.

I'm not really looking forward to work today. Mostly because well its work and i'm ready for not working a little. Not that I've been the hardest working of individuals lately. Actually now that the madness of christmas has come and gone, i don't mind so much doing all the different tasks at hand. its still a bit irritating to start a task and have to drop everything and run to the register because slow people are working the front of the store. I should be more oblivious to the front as they are when they are tasking and I can be done with what i'm doing a lot quicker.

I can't believe i was online all night last night. till 4:00 YAWN!!! I wanted to say "yawn damn it" but is there really a reason to curse here. nope. Notice how craftly i inserted that curse word without any blemish cast upon my character. My outright disuse of the word and then pointing it out to you, while simultaneously using it. brilliant really. But like a great tome once said. you should learn to toot your own horn or someone else will use it as a spittoon. I kid you not, but its true. I won't tell you where i got this gem of advice, that wouldn't be fair, you should have to read it yourself.

i have to be at work in 2and 1/2 hours. the joy touches me not. i need a dr pepper. ahhh, now that hits the spot. I got myself some new drinking glasses the other day. THey sort of look like the ones they have at tgifriday's, only they're not frosted. They're really plain and mundane, but I like them anyway.

I think I have brought Derek over to the darkside. He has discovered the joy that is diaryland. its just a matter of time before he is filling the webwaves with his own little brand of reality. It'll be fun and entertaining I am sure.

I'm sure there are things I could talk about, but those are simmering on the back burner right now. Don't want them to burn though, so maybe I should take them off and let them cool down. Gotta love kitchen euphemisms. don't cry over spilled milk. a watched pot never boils put it on the back burner.

Sometimes I read my diary and I think, ugh, this is terrible., boring, horrible stuff. I read other people's diaries and I think to myself how wonderfully well thought out and straight forward it is, how insightful and revealing, how delightful and then i look at mine and all I can do is thing Ugh Not that I should be insightful delightful revealing and straightforward 5 hours after going to sleep but still, UGH! This is why I don't average 40 hits a day any more. UGH I need to work on this thing a bit, huh?

neurosis ~ catharsis