my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




I wonder what this is?

Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2002 - 3:33 P.M.
went to class today. THe morning was horridly gray and cold and miserable and all I could think was that it was my day off and it was so wretched outside and how unfair that it was. I said all this to myself, some of it aloud as i watched teh gray morning light reveal the dismal sky. It was depressing.

I finally finished reading Tartuffe half way through my Counseling Theory and Practice class.

All day today I've been waiting to truly learn something and I'm sorry to say I have come up short. Granted it is only the 3rd class day so far, but I had hoped to get into the meaty stuff that is microbiology or the contemplative mind study that makes up counseling. Alas Derek and I spent the day mocking the different students in the Counseling class, all of whom sound as though they are taking the class for their own little psychological problems and those in the honors english class, sophmore honors course, no less, these people don't seem to be the best and the brightest. Its a little unnerving as Derek puts it to feel like we're stupid because of the way the professors are teaching or because of all the people around you who seem to bring down the IQ of the whole class by their mere existence.

During first period Microbiology I watched Derek play Monopoly Tycoon on his computer. It was much more entertaining that listening to the professor drone on about Pasteurs work with Silkworm disease, the rabies vaccination. I take back that thing I said about not learning anything. I have a love for words and to learn that the word vaccination has as its root the vac, which means cow, which comes from Fleming's work with Cow pox to find a prevention for small pox. I was truly fascinated by that. Its the simple things I suppose.

Suffice to say it feels as though the day was a waste when it comes to learning anything new and interesting in the class. I don't know. I;m sure it will get more interesting or taxing at least as time progresses.

COming home, I had a can of tuna mixed with miracle whip. Miracle whip is indeed a miraculous thing. COoked up some Velveeta macaroni and cheese adding in a little parmesan to balance out the tangy velveeta cheddar. While teh noodles cooked I cleaned out my refrigerator. I had stuff that had expired in June of last year.

I'm about to put down the computer for a bit and read

The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer

It is the story that goes along with teh Stephen King ABC miniseries ROSE RED to be televised at the end of the month. So naturally I have to read it

But look what's coming in march. Oh my if it isn't another stephen King book.

I'm a big fan. I can't help myself. He's truly maginificent. Truly he is. All doubters just hold your tongue.

Sad entry. pathetic really. but an entry all the same. I should go do some studying or something. I'm a bad student. Bad bad bad.

I guess I really don't have much else to talk about so you will just have to survive on these meager morsels. I know, I know. Meager indeed. But there is a whole internet full of interesting diaries that might pique your curiosity much better than mine so you just go on and find them and tell me all about how good they are.

Read me later, if you feel the urge to be mundane

neurosis ~ catharsis