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People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




a day in the life of my education

Thursday, Jan. 24, 2002 - 8:11 P.M.
WOke up bright and early for school today. It was another of those miserably cold and wet days that winter provides more often than we care for.

It was going to be a productive day of microbiology, COunseling theory and practice, World Literature and Microbiology lab to be finished with a rousing episode from the television course of anthropology. I had high hopes. I did really. Derek got her at a short bit after 9:00. We had to go by the bookstore to get the rest of our books. But as I was saying, it was cold and wet and raining and miserable outside so we decided we would go to the bookstore after first class. SO we sat through microbiology, the good students we're supposed to be. Okay, so I read a HALO novel and Derek read a novel called Shopaholic (which I might add described Derek to a T) after microbiology we made it all teh way down the hallway in the science building before we decided we need to go eat. It was sort of decide on tuesday, I believe I suggested it, that we eat during our second class. SO we did. We ended up going to Chili's where I had chicken fried chicken and Derek had a chicken pita. we also had a good drink to relax us as well as dessert. I had cheese cake he had a chocolate shake. All in all teh best COunseling theory and practice class I ever had. It was still raining and ugly outside and English class was supposed to be us watching a lot of art slides and listening to music. It was mutually decided we would go to my apartment and play Monopoly Tycoon online instead. We had every intention of going to Micro lab. Honest we did. But time and technical difficulties got the best of us and we instead played monopoly until almost 6:00. Unfortunately I lost miserably every time. But I have to tell you Derek cheated. He's played this game probably every moment rfree since he's had it. I have not. thus I was outmatched. I shall win though, fret not, win victoriously.

After a hard day's worth of education andeating I had to do something productive so I did laundry. Iactually did all my laundry. Except for two towels that wouldn't fit in the washers. And then I sat down here and thought you, as a reading public might want to know how my day passed.

Believe it or not I even missed the new episode of friends. Its cataclysmic news really. I've never missed an epi of friends while sitting in my own apartment. Never. Suffice to say I'll have to download it as soon as its available at Kazaa.

Other than that, my day hasn't been much of interewt to even me.

Went and saw Gosford Park last night. It was really good. I thought so at least. Went and saw it with Derek nad Adam. Wade and Paige and Christan were supposed to come too, but apparently they got there late and the theatre had closed its doors. They're supposed to go and watch it tonight. Again, I thought it wasd good. Adam fell asleep, so I can't say it'll be enjoyed by everyone who goes to see it.

Are we all voyeurs, looking into the proverbial window of another person's soul when we read these diaries.

I find myself thoroughly enamored with the ones I read. Their writing and their lives fascinate and intrigue me to no end. The mundane and the ordinary through the eyes of complete strangers, describing wisps of smoke, or baggy jeans, or sweaty dancing or laughter or tears, it all seems so foreign, no, so new, when described from another perspective, when described with a voice filld with aw or love or hate and fear or passion. We read for those details that we live everyday but find new in others.

So many of these diarists I want to meet, to sit down with and talk to one on one, because although there is a tremendous separation between so many of us, we know each other more than casual passerby.

neurosis ~ catharsis