my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




There was something funny I was suppose to say here.....hmmmm

Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2002 - 11:30 A.M.
Who's to say what reality is. Its all a matter of perspective and perception. Right. I mean how I see things and how you see things, no matter what it is, the reality of it is what we make of it.

War is wrong. War is right. Both?

Killing is right. Killing is wrong.

Love. who you are in love with can be both right and wrong. never mind that attraction and emotion are not this tangible thing that you can turn and twist to your own liking. You either like or dislike it. You either love or hate it. This is something that is innate. Do you chose who you are attracted to, who you cherish, do you choose which vegetables you like or dislike. Somethings aren't palatable. And what makes each of us right or wrong. Well of course that's just opening a whole can of worms. I mean worms everywhere. From God, to mom and dad, to friends, to the inner most struggles of our own hearts, in the end, our choices are our own and we must live with them and their consequences. Reality can be sweet or bitter or bitter sweet.

Bittersweet is the hardest I think. Because its both and we are torn. my own reality

School. blech. I know, I know I am constantly saying how much I enjoy school. The truth of the matter is that I do like school. But its one of those natural reactions one has to the constraints on ones day. Derek and I started out really good. I mean we were up and ready for Microbiology. Granted we read Phaedra instead of learning about the kindom class phylum genus order family, well theres one more and the order is iffy, but ask me what mythological monsters and ruffians that Theseus killed in Phaedra and I jsut might surprise you

Counseling theory and practice may well suffer this semester. I mean it is our second class and well suffice to say after a monotonous droning on of little stuff, and hunger pangs, we have already found ourselves sitting at chili's twice so far. I have to say though, it is much more enjoyable. We did make it back to english, but that is only because we had a quiz. And technically we could have gone to Micro labn but since we missed last thursday, we found ourselves to be behind on what was finishing up work done on Thursday so we didn't go to that either. THis is not a good sign of things to come. But hey, its only school. I have plenty of credits right.

Derek dropped me off and Wade came over and we went to downtown fort worth and took pictures. If I could find the USB chord I would upload the pictures so you can see them. SOme ofthem turned out pretty cool. Fort Worth water Garden, (the entrance to Logan'sRun) and the court house, a couple of nature pics in Heritage park, all in all it was a good peaceful relaxing time. The new train station is open!!!! It looked so cool inside. Iwanted to go on a train ride right then and there. but where would we have gone. Where? Exactly. so I just looked around ooohing and aaaahing a lot. I'm simple that way.

Our anthropology class is a television course, of course, so I had to be back and in front of the television by 10. Okay technically I didn't have to be, that's what VCR's are for, but suddenly with all tehse gadgets hooked to all these thing, cable box dvd player, i';m become technically idiotic. Its embarassing really. "Sigh." Anyway 10:00 rolls around and I am there sitting with Paige who just got off work and Wade is in my room falling asleep on my bed and Derek is supposed to be there but is running late and he finally shows up as thecredits start to roll. He's bound and determined to be the worst student ever. GRIN. Bad influence. I'm telling you. After anthropolgy via said television, we went out to Cafe Brazil for chicken nachos. Okay so paige had the spinach quesadilla, but well she's paige. its expected. grin. Aside from teh scary, frightening bums, one who spoke like she was possessed by the devil, like in the exorcist, and this grizzly old guy who was calling her dear, dinner was great. I learned all kinds of things. Like Butter milk is a supplement of biscuits because well biscuits need butter. LMAOLMAOLMAOLMAO. Oh my. I can't see the screen. My eyes arte blurred with tears. After our late dinner we headed back, dropped paige off, and went to Walmart where I picked up some essentials, like bread milk and eggs and almond m&m's (i've yet to check them for other letters besides m) and volume 3 of the Friends dvd. Derek bought me Rat Race as a belated Christmas gift because apparently its the funniest movie he's see in a very long time. He saw it three times at the theater and laughed his proverbial ass off each time. I didn't say thank you for that last night, so thank you :) We need to watch it on Thursday before anthro. or something.

Anyway then it was home again. And Wade stayed a bit, and talked, until about 3ish or a little after and then I went to sleep. Sleep precious sleep. The alarm clock was cruel enough to wake me at 7:00 this morning. And I have to say the desire to fling it out teh window was great but it was way over tehre and Iwas comfortable ensconced under a down comforter so it lives to wake me another day.

This morning, I talked with Mel. We haven't talked in awhile. We're discussing a trip to London towards the end of the year. It seems that this would be the best time financially for me to go. Cuz right now, I'm pretty poor and truth be told, it ain't pretty. Alas, this brings us to teh end of my wondrous little tale for the day. Now I have to go and don the joyous mask of work. woo hoo, note how my lips turn up in a rigid and contorted smile, a grimace if you will. And the life sinks out of my face, the color fading oh so quickly. If it weren't for the fact that i am working with Derek today, I think it would not be a fun day at all.

So I'm off. Read me later

neurosis ~ catharsis