my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression


sleep some more

finish sleeping

slack-jawed yokels awaken from your sleep

Thursday, Jun. 06, 2002 - 1:19 A.M.
No offense to any of the slack-jawed yokels out there who might have had teh brain capacity to bring up this web site, but how easy would it be if we were all slack-jawed yokels. If we devolved from the supposedly intellectual state of mind that we are in right now to that of Cletus the slack-jawed yokel of Simpson's fame. I'n thinking life would be good. Okay, no, not really, but it brings up a very important notion. How we take so many things that should have no real importance in our life and give it a weight that is really not worth the time or effort that we give it. Like I just heard on the midnight showing of Oprah (don't ask) its like water off a duck. Even those things that seem so monumental to us, in reality, in the gradn scheme of things, it should be like water off a duck. Just rolls right off. Ain't no more important than that. We burden ourselves so much over the silliest of things. We prevent ourselves from having personal enjoyment in life because of little factors that should have no bearing on things. I'm of course as guilty of this as the next person, and writing about the whole thing will probably not make much of a difference but still one has to think how silly we look and feel when we look back and realize how easy life is, how we take so much for granted and how we emphasize the most basic and superficial of things. And I don't know where this is going really. Its one of those random lines of consciousness that just popped into my head. Nothing other than that.

Work was monotonous and boring. I had to work with my District manager in the store today. SHe doesn't know what she is doing half the time and the other half of the time she's out on a smoke break. I don't think she was ringing up her preferred reader cards right so people were getting their cards for free. Then I had to work with Gene this evening and lets just say that he and deodorant aren't on a irst name basis. Its really bad too. But I survived another day to talk about it. Thank goodness. Wade came over and we watched tv for a couple of hours. Had no idea what to do. Course he was off all day and the least he could have done was come up with something interesting for us to do. :) But no. Other than that, my day was uneventful and long and boring and mundane. That's my mantra. "sigh"

neurosis ~ catharsis