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People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression



nothing else

Every Day Above Ground Is A Good Day

Wednesday, Jun. 05, 2002 - 10:53 A.M.
I like rain, except not today. I don't want rain. I want blue skies and cool breezes and fresh air. There is none of that going on right now. None. I have to go to work, which means I really don't have to worry too much about the rain, except for the fact that my umbrella, trusty old unbrellas that it is, is sitting at work on one of the shelves in theback room. Not a very good place to have it, I have to say. But alas, such is the case.

I swear I ate like a pig yesterday. No really I did. I don't know why. Its like I was getting ready to go into hibernation or something. I mean I had lunch with Derek while he was at work at the mall. His new job is filled with all teh excitement and scintillation one might expect during training too. And then there was lunch with Wade and Paige. We went to Red Robin. I had chicken parmesan. it was alright. Not the best chicken parmesan I have ever had, but I had no complaints. Then we trekked here and there and really didn't do much just hung out, the three of us, which we haven't done is a while and then we went up to Border's so that I could pick up a book for Paige but they wouldn't let me get my discount cuz I didn't have my checkstub (bastards, fist time ever they wouldn't let me do that) and then we went and ate at On The Borders. I had quesadillas. they were quite good. Not the best. Then it was back to the homestead, my homestead where we hung out some more, Piage lighting every candle in the apartment, practically a roaring flame sitting on the coffee table. They they went home. It was a good carefree day.

"everyday above ground is a good day." Gene Simmons from KISS. I think I am paraphrasing a bit. He was on Regis and Kelly yesterday morning and I thought it profound enough to try and remember it. Its true though. Everyday above ground is a good day. We try to make sense of things in how we view what has happened to us. How we succeeded or how we failed or how we screwed up or how everything went just the way it was supposed to. The thing is no matter how things went, be it good or bad, it was still a good day. I'm not a big fan of looking back to yesterday and wishing I could have done it better. Saying that , I realize I look back just like everybody else. I wish and wonder and think how things could have been different. Alas, all the wish and wanting and dreaming is just puffs of smoke. Ain't nothin' I can change. Another thing I probably can't change is what people think of me. granted first impressions last a while and I think once you get to know someone, the real them comes through, but once a person has made up their mind about you, its no use trying to make them think otherwise. So why try. Its funny, I can't imagine anyone holding me in low regard, but surprisingly enough I guess people do. Me?! of all people. It makes me laugh (not a surprise). Its useless though to make anyone see what they don't want to see. So to hell with them. Right. Its not worth the effort.

YOu know the gold members of diaryland have a new thing where they can download a backup of their diary. I thought that was cool. So I did it. I saved it into a Word document and it turns out to be 504 pages. and approximately 324,000 words. Holy moley am I full of blathering nonsense. Proof is in the pudding I suppose as this entry is proof enough. ALl a bunch of nonsense. I don't have much to say. I wish I did. I'm feeling a bit blah conversationally right now. So I am just going to go. Perhaps you'll read me later.

neurosis ~ catharsis