my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




just an entry

Saturday, Sept. 14, 2002 - 11:48 A.M.
Guess what, my family is still here. No, no, you're right, they were suppose to leave on Friday. Yes I did say that, alas, they remain. I think they leave tomorrow. Do I sound aggrieved? I don't like to be. Its not that I don't want them here. That's not it at all. But I don't want them HERE in my apartment. Right now they're over at his old house having a garage sale. I gave them lots of my books that I don't want.

I'm playing half day hookie today. Its a combination of feeling kinda yuck, kinda not wanting to go to work, and kinda pissed off that my boss scheduled me to close because she wanted to go to the dinner that the both of us were invited to attend and she decided that since she hardly ever gets to go to one, (never mind she really doesn't do anything to be invited to them) that I should have to close so she could go. Everyone is a bit perturbed with her for it too.

I went home early yesterday too. I wasn't feeling very good. The funny thing was I was thinking about calling in cuz Thursday (which is a story in and of itself) I went out to Village with Wade and Jennifer gibbs and didn't get home till after 4:00 and woke up at 8:00 and couldn't sleep and had a horrendous headache, partly cuz I fell off a stool and hit my head on the door (I have a bump!) course i didn't know i had a bump till the next morning. that night i just got right back up, laughing all the while. Anyway I was dragging at work, not feeling a 100%so I worked with that and claimed sick. Martha let me go home early, well at 7:00 and she told me that i could either come in at 5:30 or so or if worse comes to worse we could try and find someone to work. Well I didn't want to have someone else come and work for me, cuz apparently martha was bound and determined to go to this dinner no matter what. So I told her I would come in at 5:30 today. Sick hours are great though. And I am going to play sick tomorrow. Is that bad? Well i suppose it is, but still. I have no desire to go to work at all. Especially with Martha going to be talking about the dinner tomorrow. i know she will be. She's like that.

I would go into Thursday night, but I've been threatened not to make anyone (Wade) sound bad. Not that I would do that. That would be wrong. Suffice to say the drinking led to a not so good night. It started out good. I was pleasantly toasting myself with a flask of Rum because I was poor and didn't want Wade to spend too much money on me while we were there. So I was warm and toasty when we got there and the evening proceeded well. Well as well as can be expected with a "pageant" going on downstair. We stayed outside for the mostpart out on the balcony all night. Only going inside to get more to drink. I got a mystic punch and had a shot of grand marnier to top me off. Other than that I didn't drink anything else and was perfectly content and feeling no pain apparently, what with falling off the stool and bumping my head. Anyway there wasn't dancing which made Wade impatient and drink all the more. By the end of the evening or last call the lady came by to pick up all the glasses, and we were off to the races. It was all downhill from there. Till we really had to leave. Someone needed some persuasion to come along with as he was preoccuppied with someone and of the impression that we were spoiling his fun wanting to go home. There's more to say but its best that I leave it at that, or so I've been told. :) Needless to say I can't imagine we'll be heading out to village for awhile.

neurosis ~ catharsis