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People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




its just another entry

Thursday, Sept. 19, 2002 - 9:49 A.M.
Its been raining like crazy since i woke up. Well not since i woke up cuz at first it wasn't raining at all and now its not raining but a little bit but in between now and then, it was raining like crazy, with thunder and lightning and rumbly noises and walls shaking and it really makes a person want to go to school really bad. now that my bed isn't on the floor anymore and is up on a bedframe, my bed looks that much more inviting. No really it does. Makes me want to actually make my bed. Well okay that's going a bit far.

A new rule to live by.

Don't ever out your best friend to his hair dresser just because you assume that since she is his hairdresser, she would already know. You wouldn't think that that would be a rule to live by. Alas it is now. Suffice to say i broke the rule. the good thing is, you can only break the rule once. Unless of course he decides to find a new hairdresser. which he hasn't. It was all very innocent, but then when i realize she didn't know, I was like "oh shit, I'm fucked." Of course she tells me she's not going to tell him that I told her. And then i forget all about it till he goes and sets up a haircut appointment and she asks him about the Cher concert and I'm like, "I forgot i even told her to ask him about that." And then she tells him that we talked alot and he asked about what and well the rest as they say is history. He was too tired to Keeeeeel me, yesterday, so I'm pretty sure i'm gonna live, but still.

Work has been a little bit interesting as of late. my boss got a job scare this week. Our DM doesn't like her much, and that's putting it lightly, and she all but tore her a new one telling how everything needs to improve or she is without a job. Which means crackdown at the workplace. Which means I'll probably have to work more. plus now I'm in charge of the kiosks, which all in all ain't that bad. I mean not really. Just makes sure they're staffed and have merchandise. How hard could that be. if worse comes to worse, I ain't got nothing against working them. I don't mind it at all. scheduling is going to be the toughest, since I'll be writing 4 schedules for 4 different stores. But other than that. No big deal.

I downloaded my diary again to see how long it is for 525 entries. I was bored. Its like almost 2 megs of data. it'll be two years in the making come October 31. which for me is a damn good stretch. Normally my diaries end up boring me after awhile. But I've done remarkably well in keeping this one up and running. My other secret diary (mwahahahaha) is almost a year old come October 3rd. Its not nears as prolific but wouldn't you like to read it. I know you would, alas, no such luck. its pretty dry reading anyway. you wouldn'tbe interested in it. I just reread the first entry which was like the first 12 entries from another diary that I carried over. Yawn. Boring sutff really. It didn't keep my attention at all. so try to preoccupy yourself with something else besides finding this "secret diary" of mine. Its a waste of time. No really it is. (that's just rude isn't it. telling you about a secret diary.) Course its been pointed out to me that more than one diary is just a waste of time. And well, what can i say but that's true. So don't worry about it. pretend i didn't mention a thing. hehe

read me later, i gotta go get ready for photography class. woohoo.

neurosis ~ catharsis