my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




only 25 days to go till California

Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2002 - 11:43 A.M.
I'm curious. If water is so good for you, why isn't dirt? I mean its all around us too and there's plenty of it and well you'd think since its so good for plants, (like water) it should be good for us too. Granted eating a mouthful of dirt doesn't sound too appetizing, but eating the raw liver of a dead seal doesn't sound too exciting, but the Eskimos do that, course i guess that's to pay tribute to the goddess of the sea and the fact that she was once just a little Eskimo girl who had got separated from her parents and was hanging on to another families boat and the other family didn't have enough food to share so they cut off her fingers and her fingers became the seals and she became the goddess of the sea. I know what you're thinking, is there anything you don't know? Yes there is. Why isn't dirt good for you?


School yesterday was uneventful. You know how when you take a test and you have this gut feeling that you did really good and you walk around feeling superior to all the rest of the students in your class cuz you aced that test and you are the smartest person in all the world. Well if you take that feeling and make everything the exact opposite, that's how I felt after taking my microbiology lab test yesterday. The only difference is that I really didn't care how well or how poorly I did. I really didn't. Which is sorta unusual, but very settling. I've always put a lot of emphasis on how important I do in school. Its always been important to me, but I've been shown the light. Not that it isn't important to me anymore, but my priority of how important it is, isn't so great. It just took me a while to see that.

If you haven't listened to it, you have to listen to the
i am sam soundtrack

It is awesome. Tremendous. track 3 and 8 are my favorites, but I like them all. Which is pretty cool since I am not much of a Beatles fan. I know, I know, blasphemous, but you can just bite me. Not you! But you can.

Derek just called. He just got his tickets to the concert he's all but killed for. And the say is not over yet and those people in the second row who out bid him better watch out cuz he's only two rows back.

I'm certain he's going back to sleep and he's tucked those tickets under his pillow, inducing dreams that are better left in his head. :)

stop the presses!

OH MY LORD. FRIENDS, the complete first season on dvd comes out APRIL 30, 2002. The gods that be and those little minor dieties (except one we all know and love) have answered my prayers. Do you hear the trumpets blaring and the angelic voices singing praises unto heaven, well that's me in the front row. HEY! I'm an angel. I am, damn it!

As you all may be aware by now, I am going to California for springbreak, with my three best friends!. In all my years, I have never had off from work, springbreak. Never. That's a long long long time. I've been working since I was 15, (apparently child labor laws weren't enforced to strictly at the local IHOP where I bussed tables and snagged tips from the waitresses. Okay technically, it was my brother who stole their tips off the table, I just blackmailed him to give me half. We were young! 15 years old! And making $3.35 an hour to clean up after all you slobs who leave a freakin' mess on your table and wasn't enough. okay, not a freakin mess, just a normal mess and it wasn't so bad I suppose, I was just teaching my brother a hard earned lesson, crime does not pay, unless you're the brother who finds out about it. I am sooooooo ashamed.

Anyway where was I....oh yeah, this'll be the first springbreak I have ever had off in my entire working career. And I am so looking forward to it. I really am. I can't wait. We're going to LA and while in LA I'm thinking we need to go see the LION KING at the theatre. But it doesn't have to be that, but still it'll be cool to go to a show. And I looked for television shows that are still taping, but other than That 80's show (and who wants to sit down for that) there aren't any shows to sit through. Course if we go to the lot at 8:00 when the NBC ticket office opens, then we may be able to get tickets for something. That would be cool. Cuz there are shows that are still taping but all the tickets that they give out through the mail are done. still, cross your fingers. And of course we're going to stroll down rodeo drive in beverly hills and Derek is going to buy something outrageously expensive, just because he can. He's kinda free spirited that way. Then of course we're going to San Francisco, land of Trolley cars and Rice a roni. They don't call it "the San Francisco treat for nothing. We're going to be there on Wade's birthday, which is really cool. He's going to be living it up and drinking legally for the first time. okay. I've blathered on incoherently enough for one day. I should go. talk to you later

neurosis ~ catharsis