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People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




gag reflex? giant pillows and leftovers....ahhh what a day

Friday, Jan. 10, 2003 - 9:55 A.M.
It's official. bansporksAka our wonderful Paige indeed does have the right roommate. I mean honestly, I don't think if I were her roommate one of the topics of conversation I would be having with her is the gag reflex and giving good head. Apparently hereisgone is a bigger man than I. Well that goes without saying of course. Just Kidding. He's not that big at all. I get up for my morning read and this is what I am reading about. And he ponders why straight men aren't good at it. And I'm thinking to myself, logically, women have something to work with. Men, unless they have a prodigious tongue, might as well....its like trying to get the ice cream at the bottom of the cone without eating the that's just a terrible image. Thanks a lot Wade and Paige for corrupting that image for me forever.

I had the most wonderful nights sleep. As you might recall my gussetted feather top bed thing came yesterday and I have been looking forward to going to sleep all day. Ahhhhh it was so worth it. Course sleep was postponed.

I didn't watch Friends yesterday. sniff sniff. We, Me, Derek and Leroy, went to watch Gangs of New York. I don't want to say it was a bad movie, but it wasn't so great as I was expecting, AT ALL. It was long and drawn out and very seldom do I recall during the 3 hours that I was enamoured with the visions on screen. I have to say I left feeling a bit disappointed with it. The voice overs were distracting. Towards teh end there was too much going on, it was this bustling very New York feel. (not that I ahve ever been to New York to know what that feels like) And at the end when they are in the grave yard and they have buried someone, the chances that they are able to bury that person right next to the other person who had died 16 years prior seems a ridiculous notion. So that just didn't help at all.

Anyway, yes I had a great nights sleep. Its a very luxurious feeling, like sleeping on a giant pillow. Getting out of bed was quite the chore.

I got season 3 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Season 3 of Friends comes out April 1st.

I talked to my DM about getting things rolling for transferring to the home office. Apparently its a long drawn out process that can take a while. Which is good. I didn't want to leave real quick like anyway if I am chosen for a position. Butstill, the idea of leaving, leaves my stomach a bit queasy.

But the ball is rolling.

I guess I dont have much else to talk about. I really didn't do anything yesterday aside from the movie. I lay around the house napping frequently....oh I did have lunch with Ms Baker too. At Black Eyed Pea. Not my favorite restaurant since it changed hands and the food started to suck. The one by my apartments used to be very good, then it went straight to hell. I forget what multiconglomerate of restaurants now own it. But I had shepherd pie, which was very bland. You know itsbad when you reach into the refrigerator for left overs and head for the spaghetti noodles, plain unseasoned no sauce or anything, noodles instead of Black Eyed Pea leftovers. Its a sad day.

Anyway, that's what I am having for lunch today beore I go to work. mmmm mmmm mmmmm good. hopefully

Okay I'm gonna go now.

neurosis ~ catharsis