my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




tuesdays: the second worst day of the week

Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 - 11:23 A.M.
Sometimes I hate my computer, and in truth that is only because I touch the wrong key at the wrong time and I lose what may well be one of my great entries of all time. Needless to say just seconds ago, I did just that. Lost it, like Geraldo lost his common sense, like Peter Arnett lost his patriotism, like that one guy from the beginning of the second season of American Idol lost all of his talent before he came on and tried to sing madonna's "Like A Virgin" That performance still makes me cringe. It was horrible.

Anyway. Hopefully this redux will be a better more promising entry than the one lost to the ages. Funny thing was that before I started my update for today I was reading some older entries and the last one I read was one concerning me losing and entry and I was thinking how that hasn't happened in a long time. I should have taken it as a warning, a precursor to bad mojo on the loose.

I have to say its started out much better than my why Tuesdays are the second worst days of the week paragraph but how they are good days to get things done and how while Tuesday maybe be bad, I've just discovered that they can be good because that is when all the new stuff comes out, like books, movies on dvd and music. Its true too. I bring this up only because today, Tuesday April 1 (april fool's day) Friends Season 3 cmes out. And if this is an April Fool's Joke, I'm going to go over to Warner bros studio and shoot anyone who thought it would have been funny to not release friends season 3 today. Cuz that's just cruel.

I'm still waiting for my dsl modem from Yahoo/SBC. My new ISP provider. well technically that starts tomorrow so I guess I'm not missing out on anything, but still I want my modem so that I can go wireless. That's is what I am looking forward to most of all. It'll be great.

I got my new coins from the US MINT. The new quarters for 2003. They're cool, nice and shiny. I am easily amused, I know. But still. And then I got last years too. I forgot to get them last year, plus I was financially strapped, am still, but I had to get them. I didn't get to get the silver proofs for last year which really irritates me to no end. Now if I happen upon them somewhere I will have to pay some inflated price for them, which is irritating in and of itself. But that is neither here or there

My neighbors, the new ones that movied into the partment next door to me, the ones that I thought might be a step up from the elderly woman who's apartment reeked horribly of 17 year old smoke residue, well they're worse. They're apartment reeks period. Not of smoke, but of dirt and grime. And you wouldn't think that people that have only lived in a place for a month could make it smell so quickly. But they're PWT. Trashy cars, trashy friends (who come at all hours of the day and night, just plain nasty smelling. I like to keep my front and back doors open when its nice outside, but every time they open their door the stench is pervasive. I sprayed their doormat with Febreeze the other day in a desperate hope to mask the smell, you know, they open their door, the draft picks up the scent of febreeze coming off the door mat and that is the scent carried into my apartment. Alas, no, that is not the case at all. Sigh. oh well, can't help but try. I think the smell oozes through the wall cuz sometimes I'll come home and unlock the door and there it is, this palpable horrid stench that assaults me upon entry. Its bad sometimes.

But who wants to read about that

I'm playing hookie today. Again. Which has become the norm. We only go when there are tests now. And sometimes, like last thursday, we didn't even do that. It was an accident of course, but still we missed a test, and we can't make it up and we will be lucky if we pass this class with a D. By the skin of our teeth. Anyway.... I guess that's enough entry for now since I got bored with this entry you must be too. so read me later'

neurosis ~ catharsis