my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression

the sound of silence

there's a pile of books by my bed


short entry lacking anythin g discernibly important

Wednesday, May. 07, 2003 - 8:09 A.M.
My first entry was October 31, 2000. Like every other attempt I've made at writing a journal, I didn't think this one would last for any amount of time, that it would be enough to keep my attention, much less anyone elses. 602 entries later, I'm surprised that it is still going. I'd say going strong but I've been a bit lapse in keeping the entries flowing this last year. The interest is waning, but perhaps that's just because of the lack of activity in my so called life.

I used to like that show. The one with Claire Danes. It came on Thursday nights and I was captivated by it. It met an early demise due to the imact of another show that I truly enjoy called Friends. Well I'm sure Must See TV killed it, truth be told But I did, I loved that show. How a drama concerning the life of a high school girl could relate to me is beyond me, but there you go. It of course was cancelled shortly after I stopped watching (certainly I had nothing to do with it.) It's out on dvd now but the interest has waned.

Yesterday was teh most useless day I think I have ever spent in my entire life. No, I'm sure there have been more useless days that i have lived through, but yesterdaty ranks way up there in its uselessness. I did take one of my finals, and then came home and did nothing for the rest of the day. I ate alot. Had 4 eggs for breakfast. Then I made some mashed potatoes with cream cheese. Yum. Then I had a pint of Ben & Jerry's Phish Food. Then I watched a bunch of tv. Then I guess the uselessness was too much to handly so I went on a short cleaning frenzy and cleaned and vacuumed the living room, boxed up my old aol dsl modem to return to them, straightened and vacuumed my room and that's about it before the frenxy came to a close. I would have done the dishes but really, that's just too much. What would the servants do....oh wait, I don't have servants.

I went up to circuit city and bought me a thumb drive. My lap top doesn't have a floppy drive, which is irritating to say the least, so I really had no way to move stuff from one pc to the other, as my desk top is a piece of incommunicative crap and I can't get online with it at the moment thus making file transfer easier. So I went and got this thumb drive which holds 128mbs and it just hooks up to the USB port. Its cool. I'm easily amused.

neurosis ~ catharsis