my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Elle deteste Monsieur Stephen King, Mon Dieu!!!Zut alors!!!Merde!!!!

Thursday, Apr. 11, 2002 - 9:29 A.M.
I'm supposed to be studying right now. I should be studying right now. I probably need to be studying right now, but look at me, fingers to the keyboard like an alky to a drink. I gotta update. I just gotta. Its just a shame that there's nothing worthwhile in so many of my entries, that you wonder just what the addiction is that keeps me coming back.

Yesterday was one of those long days. You, meaning I, tend to have those after a really good day. As you might recall, being one of my constant readers, the day before yesterday was a great day. I'm talking birds in the trees, sunshine, clouds drifting by, talking with friends, it was near perfection. Yesterday was something of an antithesis. HAd to work, which in and of itself is almost always a downer. Though it wasn't a bad day at work, still I had to be there. Called everyone that was supposed to come in the evening shift and told them not to come. It was a bit slow to say the least. Even with an autographing. It was her first book and about 8 people showed up. Which is better than some autographings we've had. And then there was the near collision of Wade and Derek. Derek's been studying for his test he has to take at work before they let him wait tables, (what the hell is that about) and he was taking a break so he came up to say hi. I told him that Wade was on the way and he might want to leave in a little bit. Then Wade called and I told him that Derek was there and he got a little pissy then had the audacity to hang up on me cuz Derek was still there and he was 5 minutes away. Then, while he was supposed to be coming up to talk to me, he ends up going and talking to D'ann, his co-worker cuz he didn't want to run into Derek. It was all good fun. Then Derek left, and Paige showed up and I talked to her for a little bit and then she and Wade came back and then I closed the store while they preoccupied themselves for about 10 or 15 minutes then we went to Starbucks. I had a tazoberry w/cream which usually sends me a bit on the crazy side, or at least I use that as an excuse to act up some might say. :) We'll never know. WHat the hell is tazo anyway.

Anyway it was Jessica's post birthday celebration since everyone doesn't get along she had one group of friends on Monday, I think her family or something on tuesday then us on Wednesday. We went to Uno's. I had the Numero Uno. I always get the Numero Uno. It is DAMN good. Really it is. Then they, Wade Paige and Jessica went over to Wade's and watched Southpark, the movie while I came home and attempted to study. It was great fun, great fun I tells ya. Then I fell asleep. And that was my day. In a nut shell.

Derek has his test today. If you don't make a 90% or better, you don't get the job. Which would suck since he's been training for about a week now. But they get two chances. COurse all teh staff that already works there, most of them are failing the test. Apparently its a new training program or something, at least the test is. Uh, exzcuse me, Joe's Crab Shack, they're waiters, not scientists. Take a test to become a wait person. Stupid stupid stupid. Sigh. Okay I am going to amble up to school now. DO you hear the joy in my voice? Do you hear it?! Didn't think so.

Boy this entry sucks.

YOu know what pisses me off. As much as I love my english class, and I do love my english class, my teacher is a literary snob. She does not, get this, she does not like Stephen King. She's never read Stephen King and she refuses to read Stephen King, because he is not, get this, he is not a REAL author. Hello step back. What? Not a real author. What the hell is he. I am of course totally disgusted with this notion. He is, as you all know, my favorite favorite favorite author in all the world. And being my favorite author, I want nothing more than to make her eat her words. So when I was taking her class, her creative writing class, she used to make us read stories and do short essays about them, but we could only read certain stories, you know from like the new yorker and other literary sources. And lo and behold probably the second or third time I took this creative writing class, (I enjoyed it immensely too) Who should be published in the NEw Yorker magazine, none other than my favorite author of all time, Stephen King. Well I thought that was marvelous. Terrific. So skip to the present. I'm sitting in my english class reading my latest Stephen King short story collection, Everything's Eventual when she comes up and asks me what I am reading. And I show her and she might as well have shit on the book as to say oh its him. And I tell her that the story I just happen to be reading was published in the New Yorker magazine and had won the O Henry award for best american short story for 1995 (beating out all of her favorite literary writers I thought silently to myself) and she goes "Oh yes, I saw that he was published in there, I didn't read it. Have you ever actually scene daggers come from a person's eyes. I could have sworn I felt the tips of daggers stretching the surface of my cornea as I stared at her in disbelief. WInner of the O Henry award for best american short story, was in the collection that she made us read and do essays on and because she doesn't like stephen king, she refused to read it. I have to tell you, the woman should be beaten with the Stephen King book of my choice. I'm thinking IT or The Stand for volume, but I liked both of those books, so I was leaning towards The Shape Under the Sheets:The Stephen King encyclopedia published by Donald Grant books cuz its heavier than the regualr hardcover edition. Infuriating to say the least.....but I feel much better now. Nothing like a little cathartic release

neurosis ~ catharsis