my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




crown, grand marnier, and cafe brazil a happy combination

Thursday, May. 09, 2002 - 2:02 P.M.
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Makers of the best damned chicken nachos on the planet! It's true. - andrew hobbs

You wouldn't think that Chicken Nachos, not just any chicken nachos but Chicken Nachos from Cafe Brazil, you know the place don't you, where they make, what is it now, yes that's right, thank you, they make teh best damned chicken nachos on the planet, but anyway you wouldn't think that chicken nachos would be good cold, but let me tell you, they were damned good. They probably would have been better last night, but as it was, I got a wee bit on the happy side and the the nauseated side to teh point that I really couldn't eat anything much less hold my head up off teh table for more than a couple of seconds. It was very fortunate that I didn't have everything come up cuz you know that taste in your mouth that you get before you're going to hurl, well that taste was tehre and all that extra salty flavored saliva was there too, but I was somehow able to keep it all down. I was very relieved to say the least. Anyway....

Wade and I went out to the Village and I drunk myself happy after which we went to Cafe Brazil where I had hopes of eating something but was unable. Still it was fun up to the point where became nonverbal and staying upright became too much of a chore. But for the majority of the time I was very "happy". I guess that's what 3 shots of Crown and 3 shots of Grand Marnier will do to ya. Other than that yesterday was somewhat of a non day. I had to work as you might recall. I had hoped I was working by myself, but as it turned out I had scheduled myself to wrok with Irene so when I brought my laptop up to works in hopes that I might be able to play, it turned out not to be the case at all. SO I worked on comparable author lists for mystery and science fiction fantasy sections.

Today has been a long day so far. Got home after 4:00 this morning and crawled onto the couch and fell into a blissful unconsciousness for like 3 and a half hours until the alarm clock went off. I pretended not to heare it until it went off and then I woke with astart about 9:30 realizing, my heart hammering in my chest, that I had my final in English that i still had to take. I wasn't exactly in any condition to take a test yet, that's for sure. I staggered to the bathroom and threw water on my face and peered into the mirror, surprised at how un-hungover I was and mussed my hair into something that looked presentable. Ate a big piece of chocolate fudge because I am a firm believer that chocolate stimulates the brain. Every test I have ever take that I have had a Snickers bar beforehand, has turned out really well. Since I had no Snicker, I figured fudge ought to do the trick, unless its teh creamy caramel that is the necessary ingedient, then I was doomed. Fudge and a long swig of water and I was on my way. A cool front has supposably come through and it is a bit cooler out that it was when I stumbled home this morning and it feels awfully good as I walk to class. I sit in the hallway, under the impression that the test is at 11:00 and learn that its at noon. Where I got 11 from is beyond me. The rest of the class seems to also be under this impression and a makeshift sutdy session begins in earnest. Even though I am not in the cornerstone program, I havebeen accepted into the group as an honorary member. It seems. slowly but sure as the semester progressed more and more of them have warmed up to me, until today, the last class, I am virtually the center surrounded by the lot of them as they study aloud, calling out names and places and short story titles and characters and its all going in and out of my head and whirling around in the air like some verbal tornado and its a wee bit too much because my stomach is still churning a bit and I look down and see that I still have the paper glow in the dark flourescent green wrist band from the club on and the "DISC" stamp on my hand is barely visible. I'm afraid that it has transfered onto my forehead or something until I realize it wasn't there when I splashed water on my face. The studying progresses at an even louder level and I am certain that I won't have all of this in my head when it comes to putting black ink pent to blue book. Finally 12:00 arrives and the professors comes burdened with our tests, our third papers, (which I made a 74 on) :( and miscellaneous other papers that will end up detrius in the bottom of everyone's backpacks. Finally she gives out the exam after filming the class a bit for a documentary concerning the cornerstone program which I called, how to fail and english final exam. Everyone laughed. I was the frist one done with teh exam which had 40 identifications, and 3 essays, to analytical and one creative. I think I did farely well on this exam. Betterthat the midterm certainly. Teh essays I know I did much better that the midterm. We get our grades tomorrow. I was scrolling on the computer after I took my test and we can register for next fall already and there is a course on scriptwriting that i want to take.

Anyway, that has been my day thus far. I have to go and read some diaries before I go and take a well deserved nap. If you haven't read Paige's Bansporks you really should. It is delightfully hilarious and you wonder where her mind finds such fodder to ponder. You need to start from the beginning though to get the full effect of her strangely delightful and delightfully strange humor. Okay, I'm outta here. Read me later.

neurosis ~ catharsis