my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




its the end of the month as we know

Friday, May. 31, 2002 - 8:47 A.M.
Tomorrow is June 1st. I don't think that means anything other than a significant drain on my monetary fund. This hasbeen the most mundane boring uneventful week of my life. I have never wanted to get up and go to work more in my entire life. EVER. Its really sort of depressing really. Okay, so Wednesday night I did go out and drink with Wade, but the nI got sick cuz I hadn't eaten anything all day long except for the breakfast/lunch, okay I guess you can call it lunch, that I had with Carolyn as she told me about her vacation/conference in London/Kenya. I'm using a lot of "/" aren't I? Are you amused? No....okay.

I threw up on the side of the road on theway home. I was not a pleasant experience. I don't know what it was cuz I really didn't drink that much at all. I don't know. But it was all good up until then. It was only when I got into the car and we were on the way home that it hit me. It wasn't good. I got home, laid down on the floor and was dead to the world until morning. I was greeted in the morning with a bright shiny headache to go along with teh bright shiny morning which elft me very unhungry. I think I had a little peanut butter yesterday until about 8:00 when I decided to eat the last of those frozen fish sticks (not very good) and a turkey pot pie (also not very good)

I've been reading some wonderful books that you might be interested in picking up.

Kushiel's Dart Gone for Good At Swim Two Boys

If you like epic fantasy that is with a peculiar twists then you have to read Kushiel's Dart. Its almost, not quite, but almost as mesmerizing as A Game of Thrones which I consider one of the best fantasy books out there. Its amazingly written. I won't go into how terrific it is, suffice to say that it is terrific. You want to read a good mystery, then Harlan Coben's Gone for Good, is really really good. I've read all of his books and while am waiting for his next Myron Bolitar, this one and his last one Tell No One, were extremely good. At Swim Two Boys is a historical novel about two boys leading up to the Easter Rebellion in Ireland. It is wonderfully written and very touching.
I know I know just what you're thinking. ANd no, you didn't come here to read about the books that I have been reading. Well as I mentioned starting out in this entry this has been the most mundane and uneventful week of my life. I blame you! And you. But mostly you.

I'm supposed to help Derek move today. He's not really moving that far, not even out of the same apartments, but moving he is. I am going to have to keeeel him of course since he hasn't called me or talked to me all week. I don't know why. I mean its not possible to get too much of me. Is it? No. So what is up with that? Giving me a complex is what he's doing. I don't need another one. I have my thoughts and ideas of course, but that's all they are. I think I must have folded his towels wrong or something. :) I mean laundry is a very personal thing. hahahahaha. Suffice to say, I will have to keeeeel him.
Did I mention how boring htis week was yet. My brother and his family are supposed to come over tomorrow. Its a good thing, unless they want tocome swimming, then they might be a wee bit disappointed since my pool is a very wrong hue of green. It almost glows in dark. Its scary. You know, when I took care ofthe pool it never got this green, except for when I was gone on vacation and came back and no one had taken care of it and it had rained for almostthe whole week and it had turned green and well it was all down hill after that. It was rather disconcerting to say the least. I don't know if I mentioned that my other brother is "over there" fighting the bad guys. I have to be circumspect about it because well I am sure there are people searching everything for any sort of info that might help or hurt whatever they do over there. Won't the bad guys be surprised if they were ever to come across this webpage. They'll get a reading list and everything. He went about a month ago. We don't know exactly where or what and he's supposed to be there till the beginning of November. He wanted to go. He's nothing like me, which is strange, him being my twin and all. We're a polarity, night and day, he's night I'm day. I don't want to say he likes to kill people, because well who likes to kill people, but he has no problem with it. I would be hard pressed to take a human life. Aside from protecting the ones I love. Which I guess technically is what he is doing and if worse came to worse I would put on his shoes, and walk his mile, but it would be very hard on me I am sure.

Okay, I'm getting a little bored with this entry. I bet you are too. sigh. perhaps you should go and click on Paige over there on the right and read about the merry adventures of Frankenbubbsy, Charon, Cecil, and Dr Lambtree. They are a riotous bunch of people. No really they are. They come from the very warped mind of one Paige, and I mean that in a good way. No really, go on. click that name and take the poll! she's proud of the polls. She needs serious input amoung other things. You can click on the other names too. They're all good people. Really they are.

Okay, I'm going to go now. Read me later.

neurosis ~ catharsis