my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




red fusion: taste like teen spirit

Saturday, Jun. 29, 2002 - 11:59 A.M.

From a Buick 8 by Stephen King in German, available now for you to buy for me.
I know what you're thinking. Why would you need a copy of the new Stephen King book in German. Well now that you have voiced that thought, let me tell you. A) its Stephen King! B)I can read German, a little and C)Its not available here in teh good ol' USA and I want it now. So you, you right there, with all that money just stuffed in your pocket, you click that image, and buy that book. Granted all the directions are in German too, so it may be a bit difficult, but do it anyway. GO ON! DOn't dawdle.

Paige got drunk last night, okay not drunk, but she was surely buzzed. She'll deny it of course. She, all prim and proper like (HA) but its true. She tried talking like a duck, but it just sounded like she was clearing her throat and trying to hawk a loogie. I know very prim and proper, huh? Anyway, then she started talking cartoon talk. And she was singing Disney songs, with dramatic hand and arm movement. I suppose it might be my fault as I did make the drinks but still. She of the low alcohol tolerance, was just slurping those babies down like milk. THosebabies being like 2 but still. Actually I'm making her sound like a total lush and that is not my intention at all. *wink wink* No just kidding. Wade and Paige came over last night, I know, unusual, and we just hung out. I went to the grocery store and bought groceries (seems logical, doesn't it) and then came home and Wasde and I lounged around and fell asleep waiting for Paige to come over. Jennifer (the talker) Gibbs and Jessica(lalabingbong) were invited as well, but apparently we're not a big enough draw to drag them away from there own stuffy existences. *sigh* So we just watched tv, drank bloody Marys and Strawberry danquiris while they ate a whole bag of Baked Lays potato chips. It was embarassing really. A whole bag, come on guys. Okay so I had maybe 12 chips, but still..... GRIN

Wade downloade all those Disney songs that Paige felt compelled to perform for us non gratis. believe me, I was non gratis afterwards. LOL. We watched MTV and VH1 enduring several several terrrible video on both stations. Kelly Osborne is a no account worthless no talent hack who only has a gig because of her father and that sorry excuse for a television show. But that's just my humble opinion. Paige then felt compelled to decorate me with pennies and other detritus she found about the house as I layed on the couch trying not to fall asleep. She took pictures which will never be seen, cuz well pictures of me are gross as it is, having me covered with detritus, not good at all.

Around 4:00 ish in the a of m. Paige decided it was time for her to depart and Wade left shortly after and I just ambled to my bed and fell quickly to sleep. Woke up this morning, my back aching horribly. The apartment wasn't in too terrible of shape so I cleaned the kitchen, it was the worst what with blenders and glasses and pitchers and the usual drink making paraphenalia all over the place. Straightened the living room to some semblance of acceptability. Contemplated going swimming, but oddp eople are out there at the moment. Ate a ham sandwich and drank my first draught of Red Fusion and I have to tell you, I'm none too impressed with it at the moment. But maybe I have that leftover alcohol taste still in my mouth or something. But I ate my sandwich first, just to clean the old palate and yet still....ain't no gold star lurking in its future. But hey, at least it ain't New Coke. 'member that stuff. Okay I admit it, I liked new coke, but you don't see it stocked on the shelves any more. They got that vanilla coke now. Which I have'nt tried yet.

You know, I've decided its never too earlier for you to start thinking about my birthday. Now while I don't plan on celebrating anymore birthdays, I feel it important to allow you all to mark the occasion appropriately by showering me with all the gifts I want. I was going to say all the gifts you deem worthy, but there's no telling what I would get, if anything. So in this vein of goodhearted givingness I am putting together a list of things through Amazon that you can buy me. Please, don't thank me, just buy me something. How many times do I have to say it, I'm a giver. I hope you are too. Just kidding. Wish lists on line are way to easy to fill out. Way way way too easy. But if it will help you, then that is what I must do, right. Everyone is always complaining cause I don't know what I want. Anyway, I've not much more of an entry to add. I've spent the lasthour surfing the internet aimless while my sandwich and red fusion settled amicably into the devouring process and I think its done now so I am going to go swimming.

Wade volunteered me and his services to help Jennifer Gibbs move this afternoon, or rather it was supposed to be earlier this morning, but seeing at that is done with, morning that is, I feel it only right that I spend the rest of the day by the pool doing nothing. I'dask you to join me, but well you're not here, are you. *sigh* So you just read me later, maybe I'll have that shopping list all ready for you.

neurosis ~ catharsis