my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




to bore, better to drill a hole in your head

Sunday, Jun. 30, 2002 - 8:42 A.M.
Its raining outside, the sky is grey, not like yesterday where big bulbous clouds roll by in the blue sky and drop whatever rain they carried and then the sky was still blue. No the sky is gray, it is thickly humid out and I am sitting here in the living room, still a bit damp from my shower, a towel wrapped round my center drinking a Dr Pepper, contemplating my day at work. I get to go back to work today. Of course the boss is a way fro 4 days so that is good. Not that it is bad when she is there, cause normally I can take her inane blathering as well as anyone. She seems to realize most of hte time that other will interact better with her than I will. Either that or they're just a better captive audience. I just go with the "uh huh"s and "really"s and at some point she stops or moves on to the next victim. NOw Ms Baker will end up talking to her for 45 minutes on the phone cause she's got great phone etiquette? you wonder, no, Ms Baker loves to talk on the telephone. She talks and talks and talks. Mostly she's talking to the publishers andeditors and big whigs in New York, but talk she does. Then she omplains cuz she doesn't have anything done inherr section. I feel her pain. Yeah right. So when she ends up talking to Martha she doesn't realize that she's trapped cuz unlike her calls to New York, the Martha call won't end cuz later in the day she'll be in thestore telling her the same old thing all over again. Its the burden we carry. Feel some sympathy, why don't ya.

I watched Billy Eliot last night. Again. That is a good movie. It really is. Its a beautiful movie. Not just the main character's portrayal but the father and older brother, the whole cast is phenomenal. And they have accents to boot. I love that movie.

Wade went and hung out with his shady friends. That's what I call them. They aren't good for him. Course its not for me to say, but it worries me when he goes and hangs out with them, cuz he ends up taking stuff and that just scares me to no end. And some people may say its no worse than drinking and I say you're fucked in the head if you believe that. it can mess you up like alcohol can, but it takes so much less and it takes one person without any scruples to screw you over royally. I've never met his friend that he went to hang out with. But the fact that he tells his grandmother he's hanging out with other people should mean something to him. *sigh* Its not my life though. But I guess you can only take so much of the hanging around at home and over at my apartment before you have to go and sew some wild oats, live a little. I'm a little too low key I think. But that's alright. No matter what, as best friend #2 I have the right to wrry and not like the fact that he is hanging out with a bunch of druggies. Right? Right!

I still haven't finished my LIST. I know you are all chomping at the bit to buy me things, but you'll just have to wait. But hey, you don't have to wait for the list, I'm willing to take gifts year round if that'll make you happy.

I don't know why I am writing this entry. I could be laying in bed for another couple of minutes for I have to get dressed and go to work. Its a shame we c an't work in a towel. Wouldn't that be swell. No. No. No. it would not be swell. Those of you who answered yes need real psychological counseling.

Did I mention that it was raining. Actually its not raining at the moment, but you know as well as I do that as soon as I head out to go to work, it will start up again. That's how things are. No not really. I'm just in a bitchy mood apparently. I want to bitch about something and mother nature is right outside my door. So whatcha gonna do.

This is boring. Go read somebody else.

There has been a comment concerning my description of one Paige and her drunken lush like behavior. As far as her talking like a duck, she would like it pointed out that I was trying to teach her to talk like a duck, a la Donald Duck and that the reasons he sounded so badly was because I am a bad teacher. Truthfully she's just a bitter drunk who was shocked and appalled to find her dalliance with a strawberry daquiri made front page (hey this is good enough to be front page) news. Okay, not a drunk, wrong word, Lush, yes that's apropos. I mean just read her entry Need I say more. Nope.

Okay this is still boring so I am going to go and get ready for work *sigh* Okay read me later.

neurosis ~ catharsis