my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression





Wednesday, Jul. 10, 2002 - 10:10 A.M.
D'you ever have the most useless day ever. I mean useless. I mean you locked the front door when you went to sleep the night before and the day after the most useless day ever you realize you didn't even venture out the front door. Granted you did hop over the railing of the patio and sit out by the pool and read a book for like two hours and have a nifty sun burn, but you haven't ventured out your front door. I mean what a useless wasted day. COurse I did have lots of cancelled plans.
Things cancelled today

Dinner/movie with Melissa

Lunch with Carolyn


Go out the front door
So you see with all those boxes checked, I've done absolutely nothing.

BUt that's okay. I have a huge blister on my hand from having to do manual labor at work the other day. It looks like a giant red eye. Its kinda scary looking. I had to put a bandaid on it.

But I digress. What did I do yesterday. I......I.....went swimming and got a sunburn.....I ate peanut butter and crackers. I ate macaroni and cheese, (the three cheese variety)I added a 4th cheese, parmesan, for good measure. I washed dishes and vacuumed again. I read a little. I watched a little tv. I took a nap. SUnburns take it out of you. I played on the computer. Talked to Wade on the telephone. Course he slept all day and when I say all day, I mean allllllll day. He woke up at almost 6 pm. and then fell back asleep again. tell me he was gonna take a shower and then call me back and then he calls me at almost 11 oclock. But he's startin' to sound a little sickly. SO we can excuse the behavior.

How long do you think I can go without doing laundry. I ventured into my closet certain there wasn't anything in there that I could wear and lo and behold if I didn't come out with a pair of khaki's that I can wear. And a blue shirt with a khaki stripe. Its like laundry was meant to be put off another day.

All in all, my day was a waste of 24 hours. I did nothing. But I'm repeating myself. That's cuz I really have nothing to put in here, but I feel compelled to babble on aimlessly.

Why do people insist on giving me their old dishes and stuff. My boss at work has given me all these bowls and stuff, which they come in handy but now her friend who used to be a manager too decides I might needs some stuff. So martha comes to work with this big black hefty bag of kitchen utensils and stuff and I get it home, cux I don't want to be rude and say I don't want your crap and there's all kinds of useless crap. Well aside from the knives. One of which I accidentally stabbed myself in the back with as I was coming home. It kinda hurt too. But There's some silverware that looks like its barely survived the burning of Atlanta during the civil war. Who gives someone silverware that looks like that. I mean, come on really. They are actually silver though, I can melt them down perhaps. Use it to pay a ransom. Anyone out there been kidnapped and the asking price is like 2 dollars in silver? Ok, just thought I'd check. Martha's given me these ugly brown bowls. They great for popcorn though.

I can see by the glazed look in your eye that I've bored you. My apologies. But I figure if I was bored all day, you, you and you, should all suffer the consequences. and you too! I guess I'm gonna go. Lacking any profound insight into the worlds premature demise, I'll be going. Read me later. BLAH

neurosis ~ catharsis