my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




In a nutshell

Friday, Jul. 12, 2002 - 10:39 A.M.
My day in the proverbial nutshell. As I might have mentioned in the previous entry I did laundry. I know, I know, it did require asecond mentioning, only because well I did put it off alwmost a whole week. That takes a lot of laziness. I think I out did myself. Talked to Derek online. He was playing hookie from work, course you didn't hear that from me and we made tentative plans to go to

Then I talked to Wade on the telephone for a bit but he was going to go to sleep and I was supposed to call him at 8:00 to wake his lazy butt up. :) Anyways went to Hurricane Harbor, road the rides, got wet, had to drink a miserable Pepsi cuz that's all the crap they had to drink. No DR PEPPER, the place is a way station on the way to hell I think. Kinda trying to lift you up with all that water but if you're smart, those tell tale signs, Pepsi products only, big ugly fat people (fortunately) covered with bright pink and/or orange polyblend fabrics that (unfortunately) do nothing or guys who really believe that speedos do look good when your fat and hairy and 50. Key signs that you are very close to a hellmouth very similar to that one on Buffy. But it was the Pepsi products only that tipped me off. It takes a keen eye.

Anyway lots of sun and fun later I was back at home, Derek and Leroy on their own way and I settled down for a relaxed night. Turned on the tv watched Friends & the NBC lineup, called Wade at 8:00. He was awake but was going to call me back as soon as he was "awake" AN HOUR and a half later he calls but has to let me go but is going to call me RIGHT back. Another hour and a half later he calls. I'm beginning to wonder where his priorities are. He's been avoiding me all week long. Tsk tsk tsk. If I didn't know any better I'd think he was hiding out or something. But what do I know.

Watched Letterman, cuz well as I mentioned before its really the only good late night talk show anyway. It is and you can all go bite yourselves for believing otherwise.

Other than that, I've nothing else to report. I know, I know, what a wild and crazy life I lead. Its true.

Read about my further adventures later. For now, I have to go and get my hair cut before I go to work. Woohoo. GO haircuts!!. That was just plain stupid. wasn't it. Notthat you have any room to talk. I've read your entries. And if I haven't, you know why that is, its because YOU have not signed my guestbook and told me that you were here. FOR SHAME. SHAME I say! Read me later

neurosis ~ catharsis