my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Happy 4th

Friday, Jul. 05, 2002 - 9:51 A.M.

Happy Independence Day

I'm at my mother's house right now. And it took me a good long hard 45 minutes to get here. Do you here the joy in my voice. Do you? Then you probably see the glistening sweat on my brow, hear the pitter patter of my stressed heart and the shallow gulps of air I am taking to ensure that all my extended body parts are able to get enough oxygen. As you might or night not know by now, I don't drive. Why.....long voring obsolete question which i don't really know the answer to. I know how to drive, I can drive, though not legally, but I don't. So anyway at 8:00 this morning, a hot and muggy 86 degrees outside, the air thick enough to choke on, I climbed astride my trusty steed, aka my trusty Schwinn, which I might add, ain't near as trusty as one might think, but I climbe astride my trusted steed and made my way to my mother's house. As I might have told someone, maybe, my mother decided to go visit relative for the 4th of July weekend and she needed someone *wink wink* to take care of the house and pets while she is gone. Me, being the Good Son, that I am, was more than willing to do so. But to do that meant a 13 mile trek, yes 13 up hills and down and more thant likely, most usually against the wind. "fortunately" there was no wind this morning, but rather a heavy somewhat chewy balmy calm to the air, like pedalling through water. it was delightful. So anyway, 8:00 in the a.m. I pedal my sorry little butt out here. And all the way I'm thinking about all the things that I used to go by that aren't there. The dogs that I would keep doggie treats in my pocket for that "greeted" me on my treks to work or school. I thought about how far in the 10 plus years that I lived out there how far I have actually pedalled. Let's figure it shall we. On average If you take into consideration that I lived out here for 10 years I would say probably I can subtract two of those years as getting rides from people who felt it was not a good idea for me to pedal 13 miles at night or in the rain or snow(though there is a lovely picture from the Fort Worth Star telegram with me covered in snow as I going to work one day from 1995. It was cool, though a bit embarassing. People brought me copies of that thing for years afterwards) anyway. so you figure 5 day X 50 weeks (two weeks vacation) X 8 years X 26 miles (there and back) 2000 days times 26 miles. 52,000 miles or 83,650 kilometers for you metric folk. The radius of the earth is 3,963.21 miles, which means I circumnavigated the earth 13.12 times in those ten years. And people want to celebrate a billionaire for flowting around the world in a hot air balloon. Woop Deee Dooo! :) that ain't no accomplishment. You'd think that someone with billions and billions of dollars wouldn't waste all that money on a hot air balloon ride around teh earth. I think he's tried like 7 times or something like that and he finally succeed last week. And on the news they said, America has a new hero. WHAT? A hero, a billionaire traversing the planet on a balloon. Let him cure cancer and he can be my hero. Anyway, apparently, like his balloon from previous attempts, I've gotten sidetracked. :) Anyway Its amazing how things have changed since those days of pedalling to and fro to work and school. Not just the actual terrain, but me, my surroundings, my view of life, mine and everyone's. Its amazing the difference of the people around me, how people see me, what they think of me. Though that hasn't changed so much. I think people have always seen me in a good light, for the most part. I'm good people, as they say. I'm an anomaly, nothing extraordinary, but unusual to say the least. It seems as though I go against the grain. I'm unique (for lack of a better word though I am sure many of you can think of a few replacements and let me say I am offended shocked AND apalled) grin. While I was pedalling, about mile 2, my back muscles working, my legs pumping up one of the first of me low grade hills that hate my freakin' guts, I was contemplating this entry. Actually I was contemplating writing an entry that might sound something like this: my breathing is heavy, my body working and hot, muscles glistening, my heart beating wildly, the muscles in my arms taut as my grip tightens, pulling myself up..... and then I recalled someone telling me (just last night) that there is nothing erotic about me and so I figured a plain old straightforward entry would be best. As blah as that can be. I have these horrrendous bruises on my arms. The one on my left arm I got from wrestling Wade out of the kitchen. He was trying to get a glass of water to throw on me. The one on my right should I got from, well, its silly really. I was taking the deopist to the bank on Sunday. I had shoved the thing deep into my pocket so as not to attract the bad element and i was treking on over to teh bank since its just right acorss the street. And the traffic was stopped at the stop light right at melbourne and I was crossing Bedford Euless and then the light by 820 changed and I figured before an onslaught of traffic reached me I would hurry across the road. That's when I realized I had two left feet. It was a pretty good stunt my roll though I have to tell you. If you were anybody but me, and the five or six cars that were stopped at the intersection, I might be able to persuade you that it was a graceful down and up. Alas, it wasn't. Fortunately there were only 5 or 6 cars. not a one checked to see if i was all right. bastards. You'll be happy to know that I made it across the street long before the traffic from teh freeway got there. All that was hurt was my ego. Somebody want a left foot. last night as you recall, if you were here in the good ol' USA you might have seen some fireworks. I saw fireworks. They were spectacular fireworks. they were glorious fireworks. We, (Wade, Paige and I) went over to Dallas for the first annual

Trinity Fest
Supposably, 150,000 people were out there. It was a mass celebration. To hell with those damned terrorist. To hell with their attempt to frighten us in our own country, to hell with their beliefs that we are an evil empire, to hell with their desire to bring us down. We are AMERICA. We may hurt, and we may cry and we may bleed, but we shall ever perservere. Your machinations of fear and terror, may strike at our hearts, but our resolve to stand tall and proud will never be taken from us. We are AMERICA.
It was a mass of humanity there. We didn't actually go to the festival. But its probably good, because the people who did were coming out of there saying there were too amny people for the area. I heard one lady say that it was wall to wall people. The very notion makes me a bit agoraphobic. The fireworks started at 10:15 and long before then people began to leave. We were uncertain for the longest time because all around Dallas the suburbs displays had come and gone. Fort Worth's display had been over for about half an hour. But at 10:15 the sky lit up gloriously. Red white blue, green yellow, booms and bangs galore and the people cheered and roared their approval. We applauded and when teh fireworks spelled out USA the crowd read them aloud. When the smiley faces bloomed in the sky, many a thousand bloomed on the ground as well. When hearts exploded overhead in red, our hearts were filled with hope. When teh peace sign shimmered and twinkled, that hope strengthened. We are not a people who want war and death and destruction. We are not a people of anger and heartache and despair. We are a celebratory people. And when the finale exploded before us in all its resplendant glory the crowd roared amazingly. As I said, it was beautiful. the rest of the evening fair a bit worse. We sat in the parking lot waitng to leave for an hour. AN hour!!! Once we got out of the parking lot, all was well, but an hour before we were out of the parking lot. That was the bad part. We then headed over the Home of the best damned chicken nachos on the planet
Cafe Brazil

I of course had the chicken nachos as did Wade and Paige, being the cuisine rebel that she is, had the chicken crepes. We ate, and as usual, they were teh best damned chicken nachos on the planet, but paige's crepes were "chewy" Are crepes supposed to be chewy? It doesn't sound appealing. that'll teach her not to get Chicken Nachos. If you ever go to Cafe Brazil, get the chicken nachos. Anyway, after that it was homeward bound. I was tired, I had to get up early to go to my mother's house and I have to say I wasn't looking forward to it at all. My mother has a dog, Auggie short for Auguste Speckled Moon, that's her pedigree name, but she's old and blind and deaf now so a pedigree ain't all that good, now is it, but she still loves me, and two cats. i forget their names. Anyway, the house smells something terrible sometimes. Anyway I got here and teh smell assaulted me. Dog smell. I love this dog, but blech. So I'm sitting here at my mother's computer san my dsl connection, and I had to wait forever to download AIM so that I can talk to people. Course here it is 11:00 and nobody's up except for Jessica who I am talking with right now. Everyone else is asleep. Lazy ass bastards. So anyway, this is my entry for the day. If you didn't like it or felt it was lacking, leave me a note in the trusty guestbook. Even better, if you did like it, or have a kind heart, leave a message in my guest book. If this is the first time you have read my dland, leave a note in my guest book. Cuz chances are,I'll end up reading your dland too. So go on, do it, sign the guestbook. Its lonely

neurosis ~ catharsis