my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




blah is a four letter word

Thursday, Dec. 05, 2002 - 9:12 A.M.
I've joined netflix. Those of you who do not know what netflix is, oughta take a look. It's pretty cool. See what you do is go to and then checkout movies and they mail them to you and you watch the movies and return them and then the next movies in your queue are sent to you automatically. All for the low price of $20 a month. That's for 3 movies at a time. you can get two movies at a time for like 14 smackers. But you watch them return them the next day and by the end of the week you'll have your next movies. I haven't received my first ones yet but I'll tell you how it goes. You can watch all the independent films and foreign films that nobody wanted to go and watch. Its like getting culture in your very own home. Or so I'm hoping. I rented Y TU Mama Tambien, A man for ALl Seasons (A movie about one of the most famous Thomas's of all time, Thomas More and Henry VIII, who had him beheaded because gotta watch the movie) Anyway Netflix, try it.

TOday we turn in our final photogrpahy project. We have a "viewing" and critique, I guess is the word we'll use. Mine is fairly mediocre, which is okay. I lost a great deal of interest in it the last few weeks because of the whole timetable and being rushed through it and all, but the pictures that I have, a few of them I really like now that they are in presentation form. SOme of them needed a little more work. Sigh....alas that was not going to be the case. But still.

I watched Derek's final project for his film class last night. We watched the raw footage teh day before yesterday and the final edited version last night. It was pretty funny. It opens with him and his friend Summer talking about the other person who is supposed to be helping with the project and then she gets there and she is like late cause sher had a hangover and then asks for a beer and then they talk about the project and then the phone rings and its her skanky boyfriend and she takes the phone call even though they're on a deadline and then things go awry as tempers flare and next thing you know Summer's licking the girls blood off the tile floor. Its quite humourous. Its a mockumentary.

DId I tell you we had Hulk Hogan at the store the other day. Talk about a bunch of scary (and no offense here) but white trash,bad teeth, unbathed, needin some deodorant, group of people. I walked in at 4 o'clock and the place was inundated with the smell of wrestling arena. Hulk was cool though. Tall, muscle bound, he could probably break me in half easily. We had about 500 people there. A lot of cheap ass people not wanting to buy the book though, just wanting him to sign a piece of paper. The die hard fans were the worst cuz they wanted all this crap signed and we had to be thebad guys and say, nope, just the book, then Hulk would sign something and the rest of them would get mad and say he signed that and then at the end when we're telling everybody that's it, he says "come on up here and let me sign that stuff" or something along those lines. ALl in all though, it was a good $5,000 event.

TOday we have Ruby Ann BOxcar, the "Dame Edna" of White trash cooking, doing an autographing in the store. [insert dramatic sigh] Alas I am going to miss it cuz I'm not working today. Sniff sniff.

Hmmm, what else.

Today's the last day of class this semester. Which is good. I'm ready for abreak. I don't have a final, FInals are next week.

So next week I have actual days off with no school or nothing.. Woo Hoo.

Hopefully I will get my financial aid to go to North Texas next semester or I'm gonna have to be a bitch. I don't like being a bitch. I'm not very good at it. Not like some people. :) No not you. you're not a bitch AT ALL.

I guess I really don't have much else to say at the moment. So I am going to go.

Read me later.

neurosis ~ catharsis